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Jon Turner

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Everything posted by Jon Turner

  1. So you can exchange store keys for ppl who bought the game before steam release?
  2. But I'd like that option... being part of a community for 3 years and then not being invited to the party, isnt much fun...
  3. I don't think you quite understand. I have the game. Not on steam. I bought it from the KSP store before it was even being thought of as a steam release. Basically if I want to be part of this mass testing that Squad are so happy to announce today, than I'd have to buy the game again....on steam....
  4. I have steam. I use it regularly. But funnily enough I hadn't heard it f it until KSP was released on it and they did a huge announcement about it. But I already have the game, so why would I add it to my steam account?
  5. Massively disappointed that this is for Steam only. As someone who bought this game before it was even available on Steam, has every build on my PC since 0.17 and over 3000 hours (don't know the actual number as the store version doesn't track it...) in game, I thought maybe my (and everyone else who has been playing for nearly 3 years) opinion might be welcomed. Obviously not. edit. Why don't you send stream keys to everyone who bought the game from the store 3 years ago?
  6. I use Shift-A or Shift-D (or is it Shift-Q, Shift-E?) and rotate it so the ladder is in-line with the rest of my lander. Then fit 3 parachutes to the side of the windows so they don't obscure them. Not ideal but, I don't hate it.
  7. Well worth 20 minutes of your waiting time.
  8. 1. Yes. i'm using the exact same address as is generated on the pc internet browser when I click 'open link'. Port 8085 I think is the auto choice. 2. Yes the pc firewall is turned off. Was having problems with the game hanging after loading and this was the solution to that problem. I don't know if the ipad has some sort of firewall or not, and if it did, I don't know how I would turn it off. 3. Yes. The ipad is connected through the same wireless router that the pc is connected through. I have a sky broadband wireless router. Would this be an issue? Thanks.
  9. First off, great mod which works great on my pc so thanks for that. Unfortunately I have no way to use it as I don't have a second screen. I do, however, have an iPad. I have read all 39 pages and tried all the different ways to get the pages up on the ipad to no avail. When I started off I would click open link and it would open my browser (on pc) with a type address. On the ipad this doesn't work as it is a local address (from what I read). So I found out my ip using ipconfig and changed the Telemachus config file to this address ( or something like that). Now when I open link the browser opens the same page as before but with a type address. tried the same address on the ipad and still says web page is not available. I also cant find the log of the ip addresses in the debug log, anywhere. It's the picture that keeps being posted when someone asks for help with connection problems. I assume it would tell me the ip address I found in the config file though? Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I was using safari on iOS but have also tried it on Chrome. I would appreciate any help you can give me as I really want to make this work. Thanks.
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