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Everything posted by Xav92

  1. Since I don't really understand the directions apart from UP I've been trying to create a hovering script. My first try was going up and down faster and faster to end crashed in the launch pad ^^ Here what I developped on the train this afternoon, what do you think? =) set x to 0. print "Running.". print "Launch action group 8 to hover and 9 to cancel the hovering.". until altitude > 10000 { on AG9 set x to 1. if x=1 { set A to altitude. print "Hovering at " + A.}. until x=0 { on AG9 set x to 0. if x=0 {unlock all.}. lock steering to UP. set H to (Mass/Maxthrust). lock throttle to H. if altitude > A {lock throttle to H+0.5.} if altitude < A {lock throttle to H-0.5.} }. on Abort BREAK. }. print "exiting Hovering.".
  2. The resolution problem happen when you select "Texture" (Eight/Quarter/Half/Full) Resolution in the graphics settings, happened to me too =)
  3. I love this mod! I've been waiting for something like this forever ^^ I'm in the same boat as wased89, but I deleted all my mod (B9 ) and play it stock just for K-Os ^^ I agree that external edit is a must once we begin the large script. Another thing that would be great is a wiki, I can't understand how the steering/direction work, what the (x,x,x) are standing for, what are their limits/interval,... that sort of things Continue the good work and the frequents update it's really great =)
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