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  1. OK KSP2 is now off my to buy on release list if you cannot keep a simple forum acc secure whats it going to like when ksp2 goes live ? obviously a large breach has occured here otherwise how would our passwords/accounts be compromised ? or is it indeed just an advertising ploy? it is either one or the other please be truthful to your customers its not hard to do and it builds customer confidence
  2. I was looking at the log files and found this warning a few times, Texture resolution is not valid for compression. Anyone know what this means? and is it related my issue?
  3. Hi, yeah they on max as far as I am aware, although I have 2000 hrs in game I might have missed something the links below show my setting and what they look like. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gsgzu375gv046qk/20181224180552_1.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/gl871ocr6jj302g/20181224180828_1.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/j20gzdsqodfsipm/20181222214046_1.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/s68qhpqjwppkhqq/20181222213951_1.jpg?dl=0 cheers.
  4. Hi, yes and I just reinstalled using ddu first just in case it was a borked driver, deleted ksp config and tried again, set graphics save quit restart, and I still have the issue I am not having any texture issues in any other games that I have noticed apart from Fallout 4. thanks for the idea though, drivers are often missed
  5. Hi I having an issue with blurry textures. It started with the 1.51 patch and is still present in 1.6 they will not clear up even after verifying game files,adjusting game setting and restarting, reg cleans before re installs, I make sure the config file is showing the correct settings and not write protected same with every folder in the kerbal directory, I have even tried clean installing on 3 different drives (2 ssd 1 hdd) and now I am stumped worked fine before 1.51 anyone have any ideas? I do have a log, I have also posted this on steam. Log https://www.dropbox.com/s/uzfs1w18gwpdef4/KSP.log?dl=0 my config is set:SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTH = 1920SCREEN_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT = 1080FULLSCREEN = TrueQUALITY_PRESET = 5ANTI_ALIASING = 8TEXTURE_QUALITY = 0SYNC_VBL = 1LIGHT_QUALITY = 8SHADOWS_QUALITY = 4FRAMERATE_LIMIT = 120 system: Win 10 64 Amd 9370 Asus crosshair v fz Asus strix rx 480 8g 16gb ram Thanks.
  6. Thanks mate, i will have a go at re-ordering the nodes
  7. Same here the only way they connect is end to end. this a great looking mod just whish i could make something with it.
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