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Knight of NI

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Everything posted by Knight of NI

  1. What I'm saying is, in relation to all other cargo bays (both in VAB and in flight), the Mk2 bays are the opposite of their counterparts. When right-clicking the bay, the "Open Bay" command corresponds to the doors actually closing. Similarly, action group setup in VAB is reversed. The bay functions normally, but it seems a bit quirky to tell the doors to close to open the bay... parhaps I'm the only one with the issue
  2. The Mk2 Cargo bays do not seem to be working properly for me. When in the VAB they play through their animation to the "Closed" position. In addition, the animations on the runway seem to be reversed, with "Open" corresponding to the bay closing animation. All other cargo bays and parts appear to function normally. Aside from B9, my KSP .22 is Vanilla
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