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Everything posted by Fantomlimb

  1. I've also been meaning to ask, when you say reduce thrust to minimum between 5000 - 10000, by how much do you mean? I always try it and see what effect it has, but to me it just seems to slow down my accent. Is there a certain speed in m/s I should maintain throughout or actual acceleration?
  2. Thanks again, ran into the same problem with the vostik, but that was before I read that you fixed the sputnik, will try again and let you know.
  3. I am having problems with the Sputnik rocket. Same problem as henrik908. I cannot load the craft and am getting the same error.
  4. Absolutely love them, thanks for the mod. I downloaded the mod before forum reset and made it about half way through the flights till it crashed. I have been anxiously awaiting the return on this thread. Keep up the good work. One question though, do I need to redownload the file, it looks like you have changed a lot of things.
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