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The Ideal Gas Lawyer

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Posts posted by The Ideal Gas Lawyer

  1. Can this expansion still be run? I really want to take on inaccessible and ascension again but I can't figure out how to get it running. I installed kopernicus and then downloaded this data pack but I wasn't sure where to put it beyond just dropping the planet folders into GameData. When I start the game the loading bar finishes but then I get stuck on the black screen with the miniature solar system spinning in the bottom right

  2. I hope this isn’t too horrible of a necrobump but I’m glad to see this topic isnt *that* old.  Because I’m really nostalgic, is there any way to get the fast rotating planet “Inaccessible” into current versions of KSP? It was always a favorite of mine and I’d rather not have to turn the clock back on the game to 2013 to give it a whirl 

  3. I finally downloaded 0.25 and gave it a try. Seemed to work okay for me. But I didn't test all that much. Can someone give me details on whats broke? Might be I can fix it.


    !!!!!!!!!! I'm thrilled You're back! Where can I download the version that you got to work with 0.25? I had gotten bored with the vanilla planets so I stopped playing for a while but I really want to take another harpoon shot at Inaccessible. Also, How different is this from the original PF? Last time I checked (very early this year) there was normal PF and the very early and buggy PF CE.

  4. I don't visit the outer moons of jool very often and have only ever been to eeloo once when it first came out. Other than that dres and the innermost planet who's name I'm actually forgetting right now :P

    Since science was implemented I usually just hit up eve, duna and their moons, max out the tech tree and stop playing until the next update.

  5. I wanted to make a stronger and heavier version of the hydraulic detachment manafold to help tame the XL SRBs on my updated Jool V rocket and I'm having some problems. I copied the folder for the detachment manafold from the .../gamedata/squad/parts/utilities/ folder to the .../gamedata/Jool V/ folder I made and made a few small edits to the config file and a whole bunch of things changed. Aside from things like the name and the description, I simply changed rescaleFactor from 1 to 1.25, ejectionForce from 450 to 650 and mass from 0.4 to 0.65. Simple right? Well thats where everything went horribly wrong. the Detachment manifold model was suddenly replaced by the TT-38K model and things started falling off and exploding on the launch pad. I changed the rescale back to one and that fixed the spontaneous disassembly on physics load but the model still changed to the 38K.

    ?????????? What the heck is going on?

    Here's the full contents of the config file, the only other things in that folder are copies of the .mu/.mbm files from the original.


    // --- general parameters ---
    name = 3m_JoolV_SRB decoupler
    module = Part
    author = The Ideal Gas Lawyer

    // --- asset parameters ---
    mesh = model.mu

    rescaleFactor = 1

    // --- node definitions ---
    // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
    node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0

    // --- FX definitions ---
    fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, decouple
    sound_decoupler_fire = decouple

    // --- editor parameters --
    TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
    entryCost = 4200
    cost = 1000
    category = Structural
    subcategory = 0
    title = XL Detachment Manifold
    manufacturer = TiggleVision
    description = After finding even the Hydraulic Detachment Manifold inadiquate to restrain the power of the new boosters, the Jool V team developed this oversized and strengthed version.
    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0

    // --- standard part parameters ---
    mass = 0.65
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.2
    minimum_drag = 0.2
    angularDrag = 1
    crashTolerance = 8
    maxTemp = 3200
    stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR

    stageOffset = 1
    childStageOffset = 1

    name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler
    anchorName = anchor
    ejectionForce = 650
    explosiveNodeID = srf

  6. Pretty sure this exists already.

    Hello I just want to be helped to make an old mk 1 command pod with the original IVA. I have version 0.22,0.23,0.16 and 0.14. I looked how my kerbals look in the old mk 1 command pod. I want to respond someone to those questions:

    What Softwares Do I Use?

    How Do I Use That Software?

    What are the necesarry files?

    How do i edit that files?

    With what can i open it? Excuse me for my bad english. Sorry :(

    If this is not the correct place to post, please an admin to move this thing.

  7. Feels free in usr this parts.


    Remember that average ISP is practically useless - judging an LV-N from its sea level isp is meaningless, as it's designed as a vacuum engine. Can't you just use the stats that it has by default?

    It's not quite meaningless. For most engines other than the LV-N it gives a reasonable middle value. I suppose I could list the Isps at 1 atm for all of them since this a first stage engine but i think its fine the way it is. Anyway, the reason I moved away from the default value is because it originally had an Isp similar to the aerospike which seemed a bit too high.

    So, any thoughts as to the values I have currently?

  8. Yeah, you do need unity for this. However, if you don't have unity, then you (wild assumption) have no intention to create KSP mods. Why would you want to have other peoples textures then?

    For little old me with no coding/modeling/texturing experience, I want to rescale and reskin a stock part to make a beefed up radial decoupler for my Jool V revival

  9. screenshot182-293x261.png

    I'm trying to update the Jool V parts pack for .23 since it seems to be abandoned by Bobcat Industries. It was originally made sometime around .18 iirc, the screeshot gives you some idea how old it is. I know other mods add comically large SRBs and massive 3m tanks/engines but I always like these and thought it would be a fun way to learn. Also, most of the other mods add a ton of parts and I know for me at least, I don't need all those engines and structural pieces, pods and the rest clogging up my VAB menus and eating up RAM. Two 3m engines, two tanks, a massive SRB, 3m decoupler and a 3m - 2m adaptor is plenty for everything I've needed to do. The standard stack (everything below the 2m decoupler) can put 50 Tons or about 1.4 orange tanks into a 100km Kerbin orbit all day long.


    I've never done anything in the way of modding but by looking at config files for stock parts I'm stumbling my way through. I've gotten the parts working by wrapping the "Part {}" brackets around the whole file but now I'm trying to figure out what values to add for the new parameters and how to balance whats already there. There are three main parts I'm trying to figure out the balance for. The SRBs, the first stage engine and the second stage engine. I've added all three to the "Very Heavy Rocketry" TT node but I'd like some feedback on the other values I've chosen or have yet to chose. To that end, I organized all the stock engine data into this spreadsheet and invented a single metric (engine factor) to compare the performance of engines since it can be hard to keep track of all the different parameters. My version of the engines have a higher EF than any of the stock engines but they seem to be in line with the trend of larger engines having higher and higher EFs (see the graph)


    If you want to try the parts out you can find them, a subassembly of the standard stack and test ship here

  10. The reason there have been no updates yet is because KerbTown still hasn't been updated for 0.23, and I no longer have an earlier version of KSP to work on (and wouldn't really want to release an update that required an earlier version either). I assumed it would be updated by mid-January, but it still hasn't. So now this is kind of stuck until that happens. :(


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  11. I am surprised no one has landed (or even commented) on the new planets. Three new suns (including a binary with creamy barycenter) and four new land able planets and it doesn't even rate a yawn. Kerbals are jaded.

    D: please don't think that nobody's interested. I'm super psyched to try the new planets. My real person, not-actually-a-rocket-scientist job has kept me very busy for a few weeks now. I'm super excited for all the binary, black holey goodness when I can finally find the time

  12. Hi everyone. Back from a long holiday break and I will have a new version soon.

    As I said before the next version will primarily be for folks who want to make planets. As such I will post it in a thread in the Plugin WIP section until it is stable enough for general release here.


    Sweeeeeeeeet. I can't wait. This will be the version with the black hole centered binary star system you hinted at in that video you posted a while back?

    Ok. So I searched the thread and couldn't find anything about it, but I got the glitch where the kerbal system is inside the new star and have no idea why. I started a new game and everything so I don't know what went wrong. A little help to enjoy what appears a very interesting mod seems to be in order.

    I think you messed up the install. Just drop it into your game data folder, homie

  13. I echo the other people IIT who point out the utility of the large radial engine. It's a crap engine once in orbit but for getting off the pad or landing those very large base parts on other bodies it can be great. Also adding some much thrust to the core of an asparagus rocket for use after all the rest of the stalks drop off. I used to use the HOME radial aerospikes for that but I realized they're quite OP.

    For most useless non structural part, most of the one's I'd pick have been said already. The cased solar panels, advanced canards, shielded docking ports etc. I only realized recently that the old ASAS module was useless for anything other than a craft with nothing but an external command seat. I suppose it is useful for that though

  14. Its compatible, but were is no biomEs of Minmus at all. I scan Mun and Kerbin in 0.23 for biomEs OK, but cant scan any biomEs of minmus at all ((((

    For compatible you need to do some changes inside "part" files of details.

    Darn, I've been looking for a good map of Minmus. The wiki lists the names of them but not the locations like it does for the Mun. You can guess from the names but the map is super handy.

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