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The Flying Ham

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Everything posted by The Flying Ham

  1. Don't be afraid to turn on infinite fuel/RCS for your first docking. The last thing you want is to be so close and then find you're out of fuel/monoprop. The challenge is getting the two ships together, once you do that, overcoming a fuel shortage is easy. I had to do it myself on my first docking. It lets you focus on the docking mechanic itself, rather then worrying about burning fuel to make corrections. Edit: Don't forget to F5 Quicksave often during the process.
  2. For a good long drift my favorite is "On the beautiful Danube" since every spaceship slowly drifting reminds me of 2001: A space odyssey.That and the main theme from 2001: A space odyssey whenever in orbit around a planet. Also massive thanks for the Voyager 1 sounds link!
  3. Don't give up! The feeling of accomplishment is unreal when you pull this stuff off. You will need lots of patience and definitely some Scott Manley videos (his trip to minmus tutorial helped me alot). Also just fiddle with rocket designs, I tried some other people's rockets and took them apart to see how they worked. Start with the smaller ones or even the stock rockets to get a feel how a good one works. Don't miss out on such a rewarding experience!
  4. Thread: Point of antennas and coms I see what you did there...
  5. I tried the jetpack to do the same and Bill turned into a puff of black smoke when he smacked into the surface.
  6. Try to launch more (and heavier) stuff to where you already landed.
  7. Any video by Scott Manley. I wouldn't have gotten off the ground if it wasn't for his videos.
  8. I just built a new Mun lander to go get stranded Jeb, carefully planned out the fuel this time with 2 extra tanks (I'm a huge noob at this). I put the landing legs on the extra fuel tanks and got to the Mun with a full middle tank ..then jettisoned the side fuel tanks before landing as they were empty. I was 9km from the surface when I figured it out.
  9. Yeah there's some odd stuff up there as well. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/02/spacestuff/ Launch hindered due to spatula collision.
  10. Greetings all! Just wanted to thank the developers and all involved for making such a rewarding and very well put together game! You've satisfied many childhood dreams that never came about until now.
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