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Everything posted by Turvok

  1. I actually came to the forum thinking a very similar thing. It's the perfect game for it.. And to be honest. The game can run at 30 to 60 fps and its ok.
  2. Maybe it's not. Maybe it's just part mods. Hard to tell in my opinion. Who's to say nasa or someone didn't just do their own parts to try stuff out.
  3. RT2 sounds like a royal PITA. I've read about it and kethane. Before. Isn't there a mod for realistic life support? I remember seeing one that made you worry about waste and co2 scrubbing etc. I haven't been to any asteroids. I kind of ignored them since they came out. Be a quick trip to get to one. Although I don't think I have the claw researched yet. I suppose if if don't I could just try to Eva to one.
  4. Also main purpose of of this thread was for ideas of where to go get science. I know you can get a lot more science close to home but I'm not overly impressed landing on the Mun 7 more times In different biomedical. I've been to the Mun 15 times already. I think the exploration is part of what is making me interested in somewhere already been.
  5. Scansat sounds interesting. As for G'ths suggestion I've already built several stations. Mostly back in 0.19 or so. I'm not terribly creative so kind of run out of ideas quick. 4 or 5 parts (10-50 each) main reason I did that was to learn docking. The first few attempts took 7 and 8 hrs and all I kept doing was missing lol. (plus I was using wrong parts the first time) I got it enough now that I've done it without rcs. Just main engines. I have noticed how long it takes to get to Jool. Is eeloo that much worse? Maybe try moho.
  6. The only one I know of is the old kerbal space center. Not sure if there are others? I tried a few times flying around kerbin but got bored pretty fast lol.
  7. I like the dres idea. Maybe a all Rover too. Might try eeloo as as well. Red thanks for the link. I thought you needed closer to 12,000 dv to get off eve? I haven't really made figured out precision landings. Maybe I I should work on this and hit a few of the Easter eggs. (Mun and I think Duna has one too?)
  8. Lol done it.. Can't say gotten back OFF just yet though. Lol I was sort of working on it but when I realized the monstrosity needed I said said screw it and and decided to try something easier. Plus I'm mostly playing in career mode and don't have I-beams or the plates yet to use them for the structural support I think I need. (I used that technique in sandbox before career came out to get a few of my stations into orbit. Maybe should try a couple of the bigger mods like the one that adds fuel and stuff. Or maybe the life support one. I for one am really looking forward to multi-player. I go in spurts where I play 50 or 60 hrs each update and take a break for a bit.
  9. So I feel I have a good grasp on ksp now. I've built a station in sandbox. In career I've been to the Mun, minmus, Jool, landed on 3 of its moons, landed on Duna and Ike. Done a fly by of eve. (and a crash, and a stranded kerbal) My question is should I attempt next? Mostly I've done all the easy planets that allow me to aerobrake on arrival. I'm thinking either eeloo or dres, maybe moho. Which is the most interesting? I'm personally thinking about eeloo as I heard kerbol looks small out there.. Any tips on slowing down when I get there? Are 2 lv-ns enough for a 30 ton lander.? Main objective here is science so I can hopefully finish up my tech tree. Also mainly looking at manned missions. Plant a flag get a surface sample and a photograph etc. Turvok
  10. Just a little blurb. If anyone reads discover magazine on page 41 there is a couple digital pictures on the right hand side of a new ion rocket that is being developed. Just thought I'd mention it because the 3 pictures there look an awful lot like Ksp. I'm on my phone or I would take a picture and post it.. Turvok
  11. On a side note. I did use the exact same ship and launch it again from kerbin to go and land on lathe and return. So my concept was right at least. I did find one oversight which turned into a major oops.. I put 4 tailwings and control surfaces on it. 1 of which partially blocked my ladders. I was able to get rosey down but not up. Luckily I quicksaved right before getting out. But I was able to stay on the ladder and get my surface sample. Etc. I just wasn't able to plant a flag. Lathe trip netted 1900 science. Without any extra fly by of Jool or its other moons. Almost got the tree completely unlocked. So happy about that. If anyone does similar.. Helpful hints would be to set control groups for rocket engines and jet engines. Would have made the take off a lot smoother. (eject Jets and manually right click and activate each of the Lv-909 while doing 1200 ± m/s in atmosphere was not fun. Lol.)
  12. Lol i realize this, what i didn't know was if Eve had oxygen or not, i gambled without looking it up... And failed hard..
  13. Well made the presumption that eve has an atmosphere so jet engines would work.. Guess that's what i got for trying to shortcut landing on eve!. Got a kerb landed, not enough TWR to even take off with just the 5 LV-909's. That and i dove a little deep into the atmosphere of eve and krashed my pusher vehicle.. Guess i'm back to the drawing board.. Knew that seemed too easy! Do jet engines work on Lathe?
  14. So.. I feel a little out of the loop here. What exactly is an escape tower? how does it function? i've heard this term used a few times on the forums but i'm afraid to admit i have no idea how it's supposed to work. It's basically modular girder segments attached to the top of your capsule i think? Pictures and an explanation would sure help.
  15. I agree. But my understanding was steam OS was meant to stream from another slave computer to ur living room or something. I'm assuming it would be the Linux version of Ksp u would play but u might also be able to do the slave type thing with a stream to the living room off a Windows pc. I might try and duel boot it this week and see what I come up with.
  16. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/12/14/download-steamos the first version of steam OS came out today. Anyone gonna try it it with Ksp? I'm guessing it will run the Linux version of Ksp? I've been loosely following steam OS so don't know the full in and outs yet.
  17. During the closing ceremonies I think it was harvester talking about it? He did mention that it wouldn't be coming until AFTER campaign mode was done at the very minimum. But definitely didn't confirm a time.
  18. Also read somewhere in here on the forums that you can insert a small Docking port inside the larger ones for a lot more strength. So that might also be a viable option. Just remember if you try that to map the ports to keys otherwise you can't right click on the inside ones to unlock them.
  19. I'm not sure how u attached the structural panels. Not to mention im not sure i have them yet in career mode. I've never used the flight log, thanks i'll check it out Never thought it was necessary to go up to the LV-N's with struts, but i'll try that out too, thanks. as for the position of the LV-N's I got the idea from a video i watched on youtube, it was either hocgaming or scott manley. I originally tried it with only 2 instead of 4. But i didn't want to burn for over 10 minutes to get the whole thing to Jool system, hence why i went to 4.
  20. Hmm, 3 at the top, and 4 at the bottom, on each booster. Plus 1 on either side linking the boosters to the other boosters. Plus 4 on each girder segment to the main stack. I thought i was getting excessive. Does the angle that you connect them play a factor in how they transfer the force? ie if it's 90 degress just to the center at the top does that " transfer the force up the stack"? or do i need to stretch them upwards like the top ones do up above the seperator? on a side note it seems that between the orange tank and the bottom tank where the clusters all sit, that joint seems week. I've had a couple failures there. I didn't think the craft design was that terrible. But if it takes me 15 launches to get it into orbit once, i must have something drastically wrong.
  21. There it is the whole ship with engineer redux open. I got around 2.08 TWR for the first stage. On the top voyageur part. the bottom fuel tank i had issues trying to get a fuel crosslink in between. Planned on just transferring the fuel out as i used the other tank and a bit.
  22. i'm using drop box, and just trying to "share dropbox link" (which copies the link to my clipboard and i can just paste it) maybe i need to find another site to share the pictures.
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