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Not Colgate

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Your challenge of my challenge is accepted Or already has been accepted. I think.
  2. If light speed isn\'t possible, (Even though I don\'t see why not) tell me so I can delete the thread A thought just occurred to me, what would it be like if something went the speed of light? And then I remembered that I had KSP was installed. And then I thought 'Could I make a ship go light-speed?' And then I made a thread. Mods allowed, just not extreme ones that get you that fast in half a second. So the goal is 299,792,458m/s GO!
  3. I have tried oh so many times to launch into space with the intention of orbit, but have failed horribly. I tried video tutorials, word tutorials, etc. and still no orbit. I seem to be running into the problem that I cannot become totally parallel no matter what I do, I always either keep ascending or descend horribly. Some help would be very appreciated
  4. Archive is corrput I tried it with Firefox and IE
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