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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I tried to download several times from mediafire and dropbox props file but at best it's uncomplete download. When opening it says:" archive end or something" Is props necessary and if it is other link to download plz. Help
  2. Hi All, If someone can help me with this. I launched my first part of space station (small for now) with command pod of 2 and bellow attached crew pod for 4 kerbalnouts. Once I had it where I wanted it, i went eva and just used the ladder to go to the crew "lounge" but when kerbalnout entered it, I lost all the track of that kerbal and can't "use" it again, meaning it is there and can't get out. Any help?
  3. Thanks guys for your replies, I just have to wait before I can download. Apparently I still cannot create or login into the account in Spaceport and clicking on any modules available for download just gives me HTTP Error 403
  4. Hi Yall, can someone help me and explain if I need to download this as an extra and where, or is it already implemented. I need not to just skyrocket an exposed probe,satelite or last stage into space. I mean I want when last stage reached to "open the housing" of a rocket nose and expose the last stage(satelites, etc.) How can I do that? Thanks in advance!
  5. Hi all! First to say that I haven't found this space exploration fun game since Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space. And KSP is way more than that. I am checking out some demoes etc, most likely I will buy this game. I just need couple of pointers to make the decision for me. I am mind blown about this game!
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