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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm a builder. I've spent far too much time writing perl scripts to write my .craft files for me. I want each strut and fuel line to be perfect.
  2. Lots of fun replies. It looks like I need around 120. My current goal is to single-launch a manned lander-and-return to Eve. So I've been working on a 30 stage by two asparagus lifter that starts with 60 mainsails. Sadly, this has only been able to lift about fourteen mainsails and orange cans of fuel into orbit around Kerbin which probably isn't enough to land on and return from Eve. Still working on this I have a 45 stage by two, but that runs into KSP/Unity/PhysX limits and dies on the pad. Why do I need to roll? I've been using MechJeb for ascent. It handles throttle much better than I do. That's what I think as well, but MechJeb appears to get rather cranky if it can't roll the craft so that 90 is to starboard. Ah, I just realized I can probably adjust MechJeb to boost straight up a little higher and then take over the gravity turn myself. Well more to do!
  3. I have a ship with several active gimballed engines (say 40 mainsails for example). I can pitch and yaw just fine, but I cannot roll. I don't *think* I'm doing anything wrong. Is this a missing feature? Or maybe there are real life safety concerns being modeled here? Or something else I've missed? I'm not stuck, I can always add fins. I'd just rather not if there's a solution. The most recent posts that look something like this are a year old, so I'd guess it's not something that comes up a lot. Thanks!
  4. I decided to try this out. Copied the SAS Part file, changed some names, checked the log: (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43) Warning: Variable rotPower not found in SASModule Module! (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43) Warning: Variable linPower not found in SASModule Module! It looks like those variables are not attributes added to the ship as a whole, rather they are handled by the part's module and SAS doesn't do that. The resulting part worked like a SAS, but didn't have any additional characteristics. Nice probe design, BTW. I love it!!
  5. I like this one. I sometimes have issues with the magic external camera and would like a mode where you can only look through a crew member's or ground controller's perspective. Let the "map" view be an instrument in the cockpit or on the ground, etc. This is a way I hadn't thought of. Fun stuff
  6. Haha. I did a top stage like Pyotor's on page one with the winglets attached to the capsule. The main stage failed, so I separated near KSP. Then I deployed the chute and a strange thing happened. The capsule then orbited the chute, maintaining an altitude of about 1200m. I watched this for about ten minutes then finally stopped it by keeping the nose of the capsule pointed at the chute. Something funny going on there.
  7. Thank you! I'll check those videos out.
  8. This is an awesome space sim, thank you! I've lost a whole week already. And thank you for text-based .craft, .sfs and .cfg files!! It's nice to see that the data isn't hidden in a binary format. Is there a user's manual? I've been looking, but do not see one here or on the Steam site. I have found two wikis that have been very useful, but a manual would be nice. Happy flying!
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