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Everything posted by BeartatoStyle

  1. I'm going to sit in a corner and tap my fingers until it's released! (seriously though guys no pressure I just (really) want it)
  2. Hey Metaphor, thanks for your response to this. I'll give it a go and see what I come up with!
  3. Been poking around in the thread for an answer this, but have seen nothing thus far! Let me know if I missed it: I'd love to give this mod a go, but have noticed that the mod is designed for *new* save games. I assume, therefore, that it cannot be implemented such that it changes the locations of planets in ongoing save games (even just one time)? Further, how does this mod impact science collection? Is it still feasible to progress in a similar manner as stock (for instance, if I have Duna as a moon, will I get a similar amount of science from it as though it were the Mun itself?)
  4. Jason, out of curiosity, have you checked the download folder (ostensibly under "parts") for these files? I imagine you can simply extract the files you need individually and place them in your gamedata folder.
  5. I'd love to see a screenshot of your ship before I pass judgment, but some speculation that I have is that, from what I've noticed, the SPS engine is now powered by Monoprop (as I recall). Are you carrying LFO?
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