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Everything posted by Mail_Manof_Doom

  1. These stockalike parts look awesome. Downloading right now. I have the answer for you. I recreated your rover and managed to get it to Minmus with a refueling stop. http://imgur.com/a/ZMA1P#0
  2. Rockets, lots and lots of rockets. Just remember to have enough fuel to land it.
  3. If you want these struts you should have looked at the Boats Parts pack, they are all in there.
  4. It's 143 at the moment, hopefully when Dice updates the boats parts pack with the naval guns I'll add some weapons to it, so that will add some weight.
  5. I'll try and find the NP pack, but I am concentrating on building a station that is one unit at the moment.
  6. I tried to launch it normally but in the end it would only just reach 50 km and then run out of fuel. It hasn't got the most fuel in it anyway it is just to look cool. So I downloaded Hyperedit to get it into a 100 km orbit and then did everything else manually. Shame really, I hoped I could get it into orbit normally.
  7. Decided to post my creation. Mods used: B9 LLL Romfarer Kethane Radial Engine mount: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39246-Radial-engine-mount-case%28holster-shell-how-you-call-it%29
  8. Parts are awesome. Is it possible to make ones that look more for atmospheric use, maybe acting as an air intake as well?
  9. This pack is great! I have been using it for a while and try to put at least a part from this on a craft. I have a small part suggestion: LLL RTG. One that is like the stock and is placed on the side of the ship, a 2x1 and 1x1 perhaps.
  10. Shame, least you managed to get it off the ground! Unlike me. FAR, that's fine I am using it as well. We have all botched up our landing sites at one point. Good luck on the passenger shuttle!
  11. Has anyone been able to make an SSTO with the wide S2 cargo bays? I've been trying but I haven't been able to get it off the ground.
  12. Awesome mod pack. Absolutely love making rovers with it. Suggestion: 1x1/2x1 Ion Engine and Xenon tanks
  13. I Have to agree with Frostiken here, your parts aren't balanced very well. They are brilliant but it is hard to use them. I've tried to make a shuttle that uses your VTOL engines but you need so much fuel to make them any use other than on Kerbin, therefore you need more VTOL engines. There are only so many you can cram on before your ship destroys itself or uses all the fuel to get off the ground. Maybe you could create a bigger VTOL engine for the larger ships and maybe one that can be radially placed.
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