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Everything posted by roux_de_secours

  1. I'va started reading Feynman lecture on physics and I was wondering what book, in this kind, could be (as) good, but a bit more up to date?
  2. that answers most of the question : ) while we're talking about that. about compression and reentry, how does it ionise the air (or what's in it)? is it only heat due to compression? what happens on the molecular/atom level?
  3. I was wondering about what is the speed at which air (friction) start heating you up. Here's an exemple. you've got a car, a very good one (with no roof), and the air is at 5 celcius. and you're at sea level. If you go at a low speed, the cold air will cool you up. At high speed, the friction heats you. so, at which speed the air will stop cooling you, and its friction will heat you up?
  4. So before having the technology to land on some planets, we would have a bank of picture (some blurry, some better, of each planet or moon) as the ones taken by the Voyager 1 and 2. And after we would have pictures from rovers, as the pictures done by Curiosity, on Mars or Huygens on Titan. I guess it could be awesome.
  5. thanks! I didn't look for very long (because i dont have much time (end of semester)), but in wikipedia, it only says that the first stage is the four engines. So, where did you find this info (there should be more info on wikipedia...) so I can lean more? Roux-de-secours
  6. I know I'm changing the subject a bit, but I was wondering something about the Soyuz rocket. the first stage, is it only the four engines that runs, or the middle one too? if the middle one runs too, is it connected (for fuel) to the other four?
  7. well, you could use the "BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point" and then put the orange chute on it, so it will be kind of radial.
  8. It could be a nice idea, but about the big tank of fuel, I believe that if it's going to break into pieces, it should explode...it's full of fuel! But still, its an interesting idea. Roux_de_secours
  9. I think it would be nice if we had a tiny and a large version of the "BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point". both for construction "quality" (mostly) and for aesthetic. Roux_de_secours
  10. Here I made a replica of a Soyuz rocket and spacecraft. I hope its near what it's like. Its a one maned rocket. It has the perfect amount of fuel to go to my 200km high space station. I use only procedural fairing, stretchy tanks and deadly reentry as mods. (mechJeb too, but only for the deltaV) Roux_de_secours
  11. I'm working on a interplanetary ship, a big one. today, I got "deadly reentry" add-on, so I had to change the cockpit to have a heat shield under it. And I added a lander. I still need to put more fuel. at the end the mass will be near 160 to 180 tons, I guess. Roux_de_secours
  12. It seems that my 1500 tons rocket wont fly... complete, at least. more duct tape! I know it could have been in "You Will Not Go To Space Today", but still, it's what I tried to do today on ksp. Roux_de_secours
  13. I made Tintin's rocket. I know that the real one has only three "legs", bug it was simpler for symetry with four. I does a bit more that kerbin's orbit...yet. the last image is the original one. The only mods I used are procedural fairing and Stretchy tanks. Roux-de-secours
  14. Today, I made Tintin's rocket. I know that the real one has only three "legs", bug it was simpler for symetry with four. I does a bit more that kerbin's orbit...yet. the last image is the original one. Roux-de-secours
  15. So I had a type of rocket I used to go to the Mun. A friend gave me the challenge to go to Duna with the same model/size of rocket. So the story is written under the images. Enjoy! roux_de_secours if the gallery does not work, here is the link: http://imgur.com/a/ZyKdK#0
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