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Solo Axlion

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Another thing to have with new hinges/joints would be some way of telling the sides apart. The old DR "elbow" for example, sometimes when using symmetry with it, you can't easily tell in the VAB which way it will hinge until you've sent it to the launch pad, and end up with joints that hinge right on one side, but wrong on the other.
  2. Oh, I had this problem before. Going back to the space center then back to the ship fixed it for me.
  3. I thought it used the translation controls to drive.
  4. Hm, well I'm having the issue of trying to have a few fx_exhaustFlame defined in a part's cfg, but either only one is showing up or they're all stacked on the center, despite having different co-ordinates in the cfg. What am I doing wrong then?
  5. I got a screenshot of that issue I mentioned having before when I tried the Landing Guidance. Aborted the landing when it moved my course too far south and was giving me that -Perapsis. Also, I sometimes get that wierd absurdly high decel thrust requirement bug with the Landing Guidance instead of the above.
  6. Thought I'd give this mod a try, and I too am getting issues with memory use. 4 GB RAM, with the few programs I have running along with KSP, it idles around 77% used. Once I try getting something flying, it goes up to around 85%. I've noticed with some other games, getting to around that percent is risking the game just crashing. Been pruning off parts I wasn't likely to use to try lowering that use percent. To compare, before I added B9 to my mods list, the memory useage percents were about 10 less. Hm.
  7. Well I've found a bug of sorts. Or maybe I'm just doing something wrong. Attempting to use the AutoLander option of MechJeb, and despite the ship's path entering the atmosphere and on a collision course with the ground, the Autopilot aborted the landing attempt due to something with a negative Perapsis being > than another value. Don't exactly remember what it said, other than the negative value on one side and the ">".
  8. Trying out this mod, I have to say, maybe should have markers on the parts that identify the hinge sides separately. Couldn't tell until I did a test launch, but a pair of hinges I put on using the symmetry resulted in not what I was expecting (one went up, the other went down). Also, maybe I could help with the textures, make them more than just flat colors on some of the parts.
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