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Posts posted by Laphtiya

  1. To be fair I've not sat down and had an extensive test, I'm going to go through them properly on the rocket I built with this mod. I've built an Apollo style rocket using the KW pack which works really well and can reach both of Kerbin's moons and can send a small probe to Duna (a very small probe). I swapped the griffon XX with the most powerful engine from the new nasa set and it just didn't seem to give the same performance, perhaps I'm doing something wrong.

  2. There are two ways, one easier than the other of course. The most tedious method is to edit all the part .cfg files with notepad and enter the following:

    techRequired = Survivability

    entryCost = 2500

    All of those part files are located in .../GameData/TacLifeSupport/Parts

    Tried this and the TACfix file, did not work for me. Any suggestions?

  3. Are you using any mods that change the tech tree?

    Nope just this mod.


    I've solved the problem I was having, at first I tried a clean install of the mod but it didn't work. I deleted the KWrocketry folder, restarted the computer, started KSP, shut the game down and then installed the mod. This fixed the issue, thought I would post this here just in case anyone else was having the same issue. I did NOT have to start all over again with a new save :)

  4. Hi guys/gals,

    Hope someone can help, first time using this mod since the patch which added the career mode. As usual with a major update I uninstalled KSP and started from scratch and added this mod. Now while going through career mode I noticed something odd, some parts would show up greyed out stating that the part "requires an entry purchase in R&D". I've gone to the tech tree and clicked on every part so they all say "owned" most still show up greyed out unable to select. Any ideas what would have gone wrong?


  5. Hi all,

    Okay docking I can do with no problem if both ships are travelling in the same direction (say north pole to south pole). But say I completely forget and I take off from the mun and uh oh my ships are travelling in the opposite direction (ship A: north to south, ship B south to north). I really don't want to abort and close the flight so how so I get these two ships in a position where I can dock?

    Any clues on what I can do?


  6. Thats a good question... I'm going to be doing a similar mission soon - micromanaging a full Munar day/night with O2 and power. Do you use the Ampyear mod? might be useful to do test runs on kerbin and monitor power usage.

    The only mods I use are IonCross, KWRocketry, FAR, Crew manifest and ISA Map.

    My rocket is based heavily on your Munbug setup (its awesome btw) just using FAR parts for more lift on the first stages. When the LM and CMD are together there is more than enough power to survive being blocked out of the sun, however when the LM lands I have time to plant a flag then hurry my backside back into LM to blast off before the sun goes down or I'll not make it. It's an great challenge but I have the crew manifest and perma death enabled to I want to save as many as I can.

  7. Jeb is in command of the station I have around Duna (or had as I've had to reinstall update screwed my game but thats ok I like a fresh start). Bob was in command of the Mun station and Bill was testing my space shuttles :D

    P.S. I say space station around Duna but its technically a ship that ran out of fuel does that count?

  8. @Laphtiya: Okay, that is a very awesome looking shuttle. :)

    I think you're right about the first problem; I've had that happen myself when playing around with STS and Buran-style shuttles. An alternative is that your stage-SRBs-and-cut engines routine isn't running fast enough; if that is the case I'd suggest setting SRB separation and toggling all engines to an action group and activate that just before the SRBs burn out. Then all you have to do is activate it again to restart the engines and continue into space.

    The second problem isn't that your shuttle is unstable; it's actually far too stable! Try putting a pair of control canards just behind the cockpit and see if that helps. Keep in mind that you've got those heavy tanks full of rocket fuel near the back when it's full; where does the CoM end up when they're empty?

    Also: more paragraphs please. :P

    Sorry about that, my imac at work has a huge screen so I have to guess abit on how much my paragraphs get I'll try better next time ;)

    TOO stable? I didn't think that would be possible from my previous designs. If that's so I could reduce the size of the fuel tanks as to be honest they are not really needed I have fuel to spare, I did design it for 200+k but currently I am only at about 100k for my space station so I think I could lose some of the fuel.

    Also thanks for checking it out, have you flown it yourself? I'll try that keybinding method to cut the power and detatch SRBs before complete drainage and let you know how it goes.


    I added the Standard Canard to just behind the CMD module, it was slightly better but not a great deal. I attempted with a max fuel load and zero fuel it didn't make much of a difference, all I can say is I managed to get the nose up slightly when engaging the angled engines on full power however this send my speed over 200m/s not really a good speed for landing wouldn't you say? However it made take off slightly more sensitive but I manged to sort that out. The Keybinding worked btw it was simply because the SAS trying to control the rocket back to the original setting (nooby error). I'll try different Canards to see what gives the best effect, you're also welcome to keep the design (as is everyone on the forums), hoping that I can use it someday to launch sats and probes in the future :D

  9. I managed to get a probe into Orbit around one of Jool's moons on my first attempt........however I was aiming for Eve so I cannot claim that as a success or really brag :/

    Awesome looking ship I can't wait to hear more about the mission progress good luck :)

  10. Hi all,

    Sorry for my last post I completely messed up the links! I am ashamed to admit I am an ICT technician -.-

    Okay I've finally designed and successfully flown my first space shuttle! However, the design it self is far from perfect, there are a few issues with the design that make the craft rather unstable at certain parts of the flight.

    Okay firstly before launch I activate SAS, this allows for a perfectly straight lift at 100% throttle for a few seconds then I power down to stop the overheat counter from clocking up as you don't need full throttle at this stage its not worth it and I'll explain why. Okay if you've launched from the runway the top of the shuttle itself will be set so the shuttle is facing 90degrees and the fuel tank the direct opposite so as you gradually make the turn the shuttle will be upside-down. Okay I deactivate sas and move 5-10 degrees towards 90 then reactivate SAS, then basically using throttle only I correct and control the angle. The higher it gets the shuttle will automatically start to tilt towards the 90 degrees line (actually I should explain that when I mean 90 degrees I mean the direction of travel actually hovering over the 90 number on the directional orb at the bottom, its explained better in the pictures), as soon as the shuttle tilts too fast I activate the second pair of engines on the shuttle and throttle down slightly, this will keep the ship from tilting too much. As the shuttle gains altitude I slowly increase throttle to control the tilt as best I can and as soon as I get to where I need I max throttle and engage RCS to keep it on target. Things are going smoothly until the SRB runs out, as soon as this happens and I detach the shuttle starts to spin. I quickly cut power and regain control before I can continue and thus overcoming the first design flaw that I need help with. After this it is smooth sailing into a orbit of about 100k I can go higher but my space station is located at this height so I don't need to go any higher. After a complete circular orbit is achieved I transfer all the fuel and RCS resources I need to the shuttle and detach, using the hidden probe and solar panel I control the tank into a decent to burn up in the atmosphere.

    Docking is a little tricky I need to relocate a few RCS to gain more side strafing controls but I eventually dock with no problems........okay here is the second and biggest problem. The shuttle itself is a flying brick, as soon as I try and reenter the atmosphere the thing points its nose down into the path of flight. I cannot control or lift the nose at all and if you look at the craft you'll see parachutes located in various places, this is basically an abort feature that will rip the shuttle apart and keep the cockpit intact to save the crew from a tragic death. I'm in need of help to try and make the shuttle that more stable on flight, the SRB problem I can deal with but the flightless shuttle is a real pain.

    Sorry for the crappy links before but hopefully if you follow the link below you'll find pictures and a link to the .craft file if you want to try it out for yourself.

    Thanks in advance!

    Pictures and .craft file:


    P.S: Jsut realised the flipping out of control might actually be because I still have SAS technically pointing virtically even though physics have dragged the rocket at an angle.........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  11. Hi all,

    Just want to say thanks for the advice it worked out fantastically even better than I had hoped, I've managed to make a more streamlined rocket with the more power performance with less parts than before. It's not perfect and could use some tweeking to make it more efficient (I've also learned not to go max power on take off). Let me know what you think, no doubt it probably still needs a lot of work but hey its a start :)

    Mun Rocket

    I think this could also take you to Mimnus easily but I've yet to try it. I'll see if I can upload some pictures in the morning.

    Once again thanks and great mod :D

  12. It will kill everyone on the station, but the station will have to been active for at least an hour before it will do its first death check. You can carry on with other flights and bring up a life support module when you plan to use the station and it'll work fine. You may need more power if you're planing to run a large recycler though.

    Oh and I'll look into why the recycler would be working even when there's no power.


    It looks like Tommygun beat me to posting, and the advice for dealing with adding the mod to existing saves is probably easier than my own. Thanks Tommygun.

    Yeah I was thinking of doing the following:

    1) Evacuate everyone from the station before installing the mod.

    2) Install the mod

    3) Construct a life support module with everything the Kermen need and attach it to the space station.

    4) Repopulate station.

    As most space stations are mine is a modular design held together with docking clamps, I assume that if I make an extension with the life support materials needed and dock this at one of the many free ports I have available this will provide life support for the entire station?

  13. @Laphtiya: FAR is compatible with KW; I use it myself sometimes. I'd advise posting a picture of your vehicle if you want more help since that'll provide more information about what you're doing. Here's my Apollo-style Mun rocket if you want to give it a shot: http://www./download.php?rqqlm3wx11fets7

    Ah okay thanks, I gave it another go last night I've redesigned my rocket completely (with exception to the lander and the cmd module) and I just seem to be falling short of making it to the Mun with enough fuel for a return flight. I think it is a case of a crappy take off to be honest, it is not the most stable of all ships but the first stage of the rocket will get me in orbit but I have a feeling if I could just control the rocket a bit better I might be able to make it more fuel efficient. I'll upload some pictures and the ship file of my rocket later tonight, thanks for the file link I'll check it out tonight when I get home.

  14. Question, I currently have a space station in orbit with about 7 Kermins stationed there. If I install this mod will it kill everyone on the station? I mean bringing them back down is not an issue I could do a few runs up there no biggy, but would I be able to just add a module to the station using the docking ports and add life support to the station without having to build from scratch?

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