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Everything posted by spacebison

  1. KSP: 0.25 Linux 64 bit Problem: Some weird business when approaching the KSC runway: http://youtu.be/7YaUvlVeuJM I quicksaved some 30s before this happened. The game crashed afterwards (unrelated, I suspended to RAM) Mods installed: Kerbal Engineer MechJeb2 VOID 0.14.2 Reproduction Steps: Not sure. Relevant files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sumz3hn655kns4o/AACwdP1itSI7B8MJ5ZU2VMuoa?dl=0
  2. The Windows version with the same mods and on the same machine runs just fine. The Linux version without NovaPunch or with just a few parts installed also runs fine. So yeah. KSP might be running out of memory, but just on Linux. I'll try to install a lot of parts from other mods, if the problem persists it's not a NovaPunch issue.
  3. KSP 0.19.1 (Linux version) crashing at startup with NovaPunch 1.5 beta installed. My i5 and 16 GB of RAM should be plenty for even the huge amount of parts in this mod. My Player.log: http://pastebin.com/aXgky8Zv
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