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Everything posted by SolidSnivy

  1. I know a pretty good solution. I have a very very VERY s#!%%y laptop when it come to gaming. i have about 8 gigs of ram, and the game works fine. all i did was turn all the options to low the game still runs at about 40 fps. the lowest being 14 and the highest being 60. the game still looks good and nothing much has changed.
  2. thks guys!! any tips on going to teh moon. no matter how hard i try i never have enough fuel
  3. i have not made it to the mun yet. no matter how hard i try i can never get there . anyone help with that? ive gone there in the tutorial but i cant land idk how. anyway back to teh station. i just got it into orbit and im going to send up a solar farm to attach to the front of the station. any tips on how to dock?
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