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  1. Damn Dev's always changing the version... @cybutek Keep up the good work. I'm on hold till this gets updated. All other mods I use seem to be working fine.
  2. @sal_vager You Da Man. Support got me fixed up and I'm downloading now!
  3. I personally opened a support case with Squad on this issue. They indicated to me that it was a problem with their relay to my country... I'm a very technical person and didn't buy the response. I've been updating my stand alone download by copying out of Steam. I had bought two copies of the game because I wanted to show my support for the project in the early days. I transferred 1 to steam at around the time they offered that. I left the original purchase with Squad. After about release 1.0 I was unable to download any more from Squads site. This bothers me because I have a purchase that technical, I'm unable to access. I don't want a refund as I feel that would be inappropriate given my statement above. What I would like to see happen is the issue be corrected. Noting that I'm now not the only one having this problem and dosen't seem linked to the Steam transfer, as indicated by @Sezess I have tried this again and again at each release and have encountered the same problems. Normal fixes, like alternative browsers, clearing cache etc didn't change my response from the server. I've tried from other systems. I've since rebuilt my own system and tried again. Nothing has worked. This is a problem on Squads end and it needs to be correct.
  4. Hi Kasper, Nope still not working. I think I've been patient enough. There is something up. I've never had this issue before. Can't even download the old version... I'm accessing the site from Canada, from Order ID: 298207. Could there be something else going on here?
  5. I recall when the page would just be blank or give you a time out error. They should change the message. I'll wait patiently for my opportunity to come... My career mode has been on hold for a while anyway as I had gotten myself into a bit of a grind and had over a year to wait for Duna to come round again before I could launch my next phase. I figured I'd start over in 1.1 but with the issues that came out of it I decided to hold off. But NOW I WANT MY KSP!!!
  6. Funny thing is I was getting this error on the site for the DL of 1.1 a week after release... I'm going to try from a different location today.
  7. Thank you so much for creating this! I was about to start teaching myself how to build a mod! This is exactly what I need for a mult-contact mission I'm planning to Mun.
  8. Standing corrected. My bad and I found my own issue. I'm embarrassed to say this, but I some how unzipped the Texture Replacer inside the Texture Replacer subfolders... so on load it was mounting three versions... RAM Overload. I apologize for my comments. EDIT: And its also the SkyBox... Whats wrong with it? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By8S9xGHvs1VXzBFYUF6TWhvZW8/view?usp=sharing Or If you have suggestions of an equally good looking SkyBox please let me know.
  9. To be clear... its the 32bit client... never used the 64bit client as its unstable to begin with. [EDIT] If its just me... than fine I'll wait for the next release... maybe it will change something. But if it is a bug than it should be reviewed. But the skybox that I'm using isn't that big... so the comment of running out of memory isn't really valid as the game loads with into about 1.6 GB of ram while running and in space with the skybox running its only using 2.2 GB of RAM. There really isn't that much of an increase. Not to mention that the skybox has been around as long as this MOD and its never caused an issue before. So is it the skybox... no... is the game running out of RAM, even with a 4 GB addressable limit... not a chance... unless there is a leak and in which case its happening faster than I can identify visually while monitoring. As for getting my head bitten off... perhaps we should look at things with a little more open mindedness instead of flaming at someone before knowing the details. (Not that you were, just a general comment on internet flaming.)
  10. With only Three MODs, (Kerbal Alarm clock, Kerbal Engineer, and Texture Replacer) on a 64 bit Windows 7 system running on 16 Gb of RAM... I think you are overlooking the bigger picture. Perhaps the new version has a leak that caused the crash?
  11. Hi Guys, I can confirm that Texture Replacer is the cause of the crashes. I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary in the log. There isn't a crash log generated, there is a full stop of the game and it shuts down. Also confirmed that removing the MOD folder removes the issue. The last lines in my log as of today prior to the crash and removal of the mod are: [LOG 21:54:28.102] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/internal/mk1CockpitInternal' [LOG 21:54:28.107] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/internal/mk1PodCockpit' [LOG 21:54:28.111] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/MK1_Inline_Int/MK1_Inline_Int/MK1_Inline_Int' [LOG 21:54:28.119] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/mk2CockpitStandardInternal/internal/mk2CockpitStandardInternals' [LOG 21:54:28.143] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/Mk2CrewCabinInternal/internal_MK2_CrewCab/MK2_CrewCab_Int' [LOG 21:54:28.150] InternalSeat: Cannot find seatTransform of name 'Seat_UpLeft' [LOG 21:54:28.150] InternalSeat: Cannot find portraitCamera of name 'Camera_UpLeft' [LOG 21:54:28.152] InternalSeat: Cannot find seatTransform of name 'Seat_UpRight' [LOG 21:54:28.152] InternalSeat: Cannot find portraitCamera of name 'Camera_UpRight' I've added my own skybox that I've been using for years with this MOD so thats not it. I hope this helps... if you need more I'll see what else I can find.
  12. Hey all. Many thanks for continuing to support this mod. I wish it was part of the core game but i'll keep coming back. I'm having an issue with it in 1.0.2. I'm using the latest but its not showing up in the VAB. Worked fine in 1.0. Is it just me?
  13. We need an update for 0.24.1 on this one... let me know when its up! Thanks, Never mind...
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