Lately I've been thinking about what I'd envision to be a perfect game. I've always been into games that do nature really well. I love to go hiking in real life as too. The game I envision is probably not going to possible for years, but it's worth thinking about it. So here we go, my perfect game/simulator thing. Something that could take the amazing Outerra Engine: But make it more detailed. Like, bushes and plants pebbles detailed. It would also take the off-roading engine of Spintires: And the flight engine of aerofly FS: All this could be combined into a beautiful, immersive, and awesome, exploration game. I know this game sounds far fetched, but I think that with time, technology could allow this type of game to exist. Thanks for reading this ranty, badly organized post. Tell me what you think and what your "perfect game" would be.