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Posts posted by Finis

  1. Pretty cool to see so many younger teenagers interested in this game. I had to stop for a minute to think if I would have been interested in this when I was 13, then I remembered the ungodly number of hours I spent trying to master this game at about that age. Any of the other fogies remember that one?

    I was far too involved in this one for the 2600, but I was only around 7 then. For 13 I was playing this one.

  2. 13 here, am I the youngest? Time to have an 'age-off'!

    And to reply to Finis : "I think it's great kids your age are taking an interest in video games besides "Gears of Slaughter: XI" " :

    Actually To be honest, I am probably the only one in my class if not school that doesn't like Super Gore - FPS games like COD or Halo so... I am unique like all the other young KSPers.

    "I'm unique like all the other..."


    Actually, I know lots of kids (I used to be a substitute teacher for high school/jr high until I decided to go freelance writer/editor) who are interested in (mostly) non-violent games. The Sims, Minecraft, Don't Starve, etc. So you aren't alone.

    I used to let (read: bribe) my students play on DS's or other hand-helds during free periods if they were playing non-violent games. A surprising number of kids had them.

  3. (And yet you seem to use "lol" unironically.) 38-year-old here, who's been doing astronomy for a living for longer than some of the people on this forum have been alive...

    That reminds me of something from about eight years back. I was TAing a college freshman astronomy course, and one of my students asked to borrow a calculator for the test since she'd forgotten to bring her own. Since I'd already given out the few university-owned calculators we keep on hand for these sorts of things, I loaned her my old solar-powered TI-36 scientific calculator, circa 1986. Then it hit me that the calculator was older than the student...

    So yeah, you young'uns need to get off my lawn.

    Tone is difficult sometimes in the casual nature of forum conversation. I was/am amused that it seemed like the 14 year old gamer I was responding to implied (deliberately or not, this is my interpretation) that video games are new enough that us old guys are just discovering them and getting interested in them.

    It's the same conversation I had once with my grandfather. I was seventeen, and just bought my second car (but the first car I bought with my own money); a 1967 Ford Mustang. I was quite proud of it, and showing it off to my papa "explaining" all of the engine specs and neat retro things about the car. And, in a condescending way that suggested my old grandpa didn't fully appreciate the horsepower of my new ride. A car that was nine years older than I was.

    My grandfather just laughed and said, "(Finis), I remember when this car came out brand new. I was in my forties. You've never lived in a world where cars didn't exist. My first Car was a Model A, and my friend's and I turned a 1932 roadster into a hot rod when I got back from The War. -- I think You are the one that doesn't appreciate the horsepower in this baby."

    Shut me up pretty fast.

    Point is, the conversation never changes. Every generation thinks the level of technology belongs to them. I'm from the Birth of the Console generation of gamer. We think we own video games, and along comes a kid who has never lived in a world without graphics cards and broadband internet access being excited we're "Discovering" video games. So I lol'd, because it's the same thing all over again.

    No offense to the kid -- or my grandfather.

  4. 14! Also, I'm really happy to see people on the older side expressing interest in video games!

    Now, if I could only get my dad to play... :)

    ...Kid, I've been playing MMO's for longer than you've been alive, let alone video games, lol.

    *insert get off my lawn meme*

    I'm sure it's probably more true that the people in their thirties+ here have been interested in games since before you were born, rather than becoming interested in them after you discovered them.

    That said, I play with my 13 year old son all the time on our house Minecraft server. I'm better at KSP than him, but some of the stuff he does in Minecraft with redstone blows me away.

    edit: this is sarcastic amused tone, not annoyed. i think it's great kids your age are taking an interest in video games besides "Gears of Slaughter: XI"

  5. So, I have a rover I've designed and tested extensively that I know want to launch. I'd like to launch a couple of them at once, using a launch vehicle I'd already designed, is there a way I can "merge" the two files, so all I have to do is connect them manually once they are in the VAB? both are fairly complicated and I don't want to have to rebuild each from scratch.

    I seem to recall at one point there was a mod that did this, but I can't remember the name.

    i figured if anyone would know, the spacecraft exchange people would :D

    if I need to be OT, then here is my new rover I'm trying to attach a couple copies of to my launch vehicle:

    (Mods used: ISA Mapsat, for the GPS piece)

    Craft File from dropbox

    Link to Steam Image

  6. Thanks. Working on getting the rover pictured toward the end up to my Munar base for the boys to play around in. But still flips over too easily.

    edit: and Duna so far is my favorite world. Far enough away it's a challenge still (for my anyway) but not so far that it feels like omghard (like Jool and Laythe feel to me) Plus I really like the red planet feel . I like Mars stuff. A lot.

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