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  1. El Bumpo? Not sure if I can bump my thread?
  2. Some, yes. Other... not so much lol. Mainly because too much lag because they're really big. The smaller stuff like the TIEs and X-Wing are pretty good. I'd recommend mods to try and fly some of them (eg. Lazor mod for better atmo control on the N-1) It's been brought to my attention that the A-Wing is labelled wrong. It is there though
  3. Full gallery: http://imgur.com/a/XhxUf#0 Download as a save file: http://www./?hol5uhr8avspaaq Reddit thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1eifwl/stock_15_star_wars_ships_finally_with_craft_files/ Finally got around to uploading. The result of a lot of struts and structural pieces!. Made by Fat Kerbal Interstellar Transit [FKIT] and Kerbperial Empire. Some of it flies, some of it is too big to fly and some of it is just for show (AT-AT for example). Feel free to play around with the craft files since I have not included any launch harnesses. But rest assured - I have managed to get some of the smaller fighters into orbit without too much drama!
  4. 17 Star Wars Ships, all stock Download as a save file since there's quite a few Some fly-able, some show pieces. Full album (doesn't show spider droid and clone dropship) Download: http://www./?hol5uhr8avspaaq Reddit thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1eifwl/stock_15_star_wars_ships_finally_with_craft_files/
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