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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Well, provided that at least 1 outpost, base, or space station with 2 or more kerbals has an escape ship for two that has enough fuel to enter Kerbin's atmosphere and safely land on Kerbin, probably. But this does raise the question, how do Kerbins reproduce? Do Kerbins have genders at all? Do they even need 2 to reproduce?
  2. 243) If a rocket is unstable, we attach more unstable parts in order to stabilize it.
  3. Press Capslock the activate docking controls and it should be perfect. If that's not it could you show us a pic of the rover?
  5. Ok, so I was wondering, in vanilla KSP, is it possible to launch a satellite into a geosynchronous orbit, (AKA, in an exact orbit so you are directly above the space center and the satellite is rotating at the same speed as Kerbin), if so, how high up does the PE and AP need to be exactly? I heard it is possible but time warping can mess it up, is this still true as of 0.19? Any tips on getting to it if it is possible?
  6. Amazingly cool! But can it land safely and then take off again if it has enough fuel? (What im asking is this: Is it reusable (meaning it doesn't have to stage in order to take off, and you can refuel it with docking ports or electricity)
  7. There actually IS an advantage to using kerbals over probes! If you have a kerbal in a pod, you can actually move the ship around easier because the kerbal can will lean in the direction you need to go, making you turn faster! I read this somewhere, don't know if true or not.
  8. I'm a texture person, not a modeler, so please don't get extremely mad and start yelling at me if I'm wrong. For the model, make sure the window part isn't transparent, as it won't actually let you look at the Eva, just make the window blue like the other stuff.
  9. UPDATE: Working on a new plane called the sky blade, it is a huge plane capable of flying around kerbin and back!
  10. Open up the save file and open the persistance file with notepad, scroll down to crew, scroll to thomwig or any pilot. And change the part that says "state = 1 or 2" to "state = 3" This will change it so the game will think that the pilot is dead and give you a new pilot. You can also change it from 3 to 1 if you want to resurrect the pilot.
  11. Load the start screen and press settings, then drag the persistent debris bar down to 0 to remove all debris.
  12. This is amazing, I admire your work and envy the design of your kraken ship, mind posting a .craft file for the kraken?
  13. Also, I'm not very familiar with asparagus staging, but I am learning it slowly!
  14. Interesting, I hope you continue this series.
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