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    Curious George
  1. Wow guys, thanks for all the advice! There's so many helpful people here, obviously I can't reply properly to you all. Thanks for the nice welcome. I have read all your posts and been trying various changes. I've not had the sucess I was originally after but that's possibly because I was aiming too high The SRBs were just so I could turn my ship easier in space, as previously I could barely shift my ships rotation due to its size. I managed to get a rocket into orbit by staging my fuel differently, however each fuel tank had an engine and I was out of fuel once I actually reached space. So after reading some of your posts, I'm going to aim for a more central thrust supplied by various stages of fuel so I an jettison the dead weight. The main problem I have now is once I'm in space, what design should I have? Will I have decoupled the old larger thruster for a smaller design? I tried that but ran out of fuel whilst stabilising the orbit.
  2. I've tried various rockets like this: http://i.imgur.com/i6V20Ud.jpg This is meant to be an attempt at getting a lander on Mun and back. However, trying this design and even larger designs with more solid boosters and a bigger main engine has pretty much exactly the same results. I can only get the apoapsis of the orbit to be at about 60,000 with an orbit speed of barely 700, so as I try to change course to stretch out the periapsis I just end up with my motion vector point back towards Kerbin. I can get a basic rocket into orbit just fine but any more advanced I seem to struggle with how to lift the extra weight!
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