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  1. Behold! The JohnMars Spaceplane. A compleatly reusable SSTO design, it is capable of injecting two com satellites into a low circular orbit, then returning safely and landing on an unimproved runway. Additionally, it possesses an advanced design (now with aerodynamics!) that allows it to smoothly slip through the atmospheric brick wall without becoming a leaf on the wind.
  2. Here is the Pride of Kerbonia, and two stage to orbit, landable (Jeb looked sad when we told him) space plane. A few things of note here: [li]For some reason, it seems to want to start tumbling wildly when it begins re-entry. With a firm but deft hand on the stick, you can recover from this.[/li] [li]When landing, pop the nose parachute at about a thousand meters. It will want to flip over, but you have enough command authority to maintain your heading and touchdown at about 15m/s.[/li] [li]I used parts from C-7's pack, Sunday Punch's pack, and NovaSilisko's pack.[/li]
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