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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Download is an invalid archive. Tried it twice and got the same thing using multiple programs.
  2. This is not a solution to stall recovery. The inherent flaw in canards is that they will always stall before the wing, but a horizontal tail will not (due to downwash). That is why conventional aircraft use horizontal tails most of the time, even though it provides a negative lift, decreasing the efficiency of the craft. Forcing the vehicle to pitch down will not recover a stall, as you will often just pitch back and forth, unable to regain control using the canard.
  3. What? How is asparAgus staging a cheap trick? It does nothing but add efficiency. The reason we don't use it in the real world is because Earth's atmosphere is much different (taking into account the scale difference) than Kerbin's. Kerbin's atmosphere is much more dense, so methods such as asparagus staging are often used.
  4. Hi all I recently started dabbling in KSP aircraft. However, the flight dynamics are frustrating me to say the least. I'm an aerospace engineer irl and all of the things that /should/ contribute to aircraft stability seem to have no effect. I built an aircraft with the following characteristics: - Main Wing on top of fuselage. Slight positive dihedral angle. This should give inherent roll stability. - Horizontal tail with negative angle of attack in conjunction with COL behind COG should give inherent pitch stability. - Vertical tail of ANY KIND even with no control surface should give inherent yaw stability. However, after I takeoff, my aircraft starts randomly yawing/rolling. This should NOT be happening. Everything is symmetric, and I'm using winglets for my empennage (tail) control surfaces to make sure the control surfaces aren't off-centered. Is this just the nature of KSPs flight engine? Or am I missing something obvious?
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