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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by AllenM3
Rover Adventures - Around Kerbin NEEDS YOUR HELP!
AllenM3 replied to Wooks's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I vote building a boat/ferry, that your current rover can drive onto. Cross the water gap. The. Drive off of and continue on the journey. -
I just recently ordered an Asus G750 laptop so I can get my ksp fix on the go! Will get here Monday. 3.4ghz i7, 8gb ram, Nvidia GtX 765M. Can't wait to see if this will outperform my desktop or not.
Now that I've built this, what should I do with it...
AllenM3 replied to Project Pluto's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Launch the stock Z-Map satellite craft into orbit... ...A Moho orbit. That's polar! To map the depth of the north and south deep Holes. -
Kerbal Space Program? Nope, Its Kerbal Slideshow Program.
AllenM3 replied to NASAFanboy's topic in KSP1 Discussion
What CPU do you have? -
I too have felt this way. But after spending my free time watching youtube with people with huge long missions. I have gotten back into it with installing FAR, deadly re-entry, and remote tech. This alone make the game much more challenging and Makes the simplest thing like going to the moon and back require much more planning. I think eventually I will use interstellar mod.
You can see every planet if you know where to look. They are extremely tiny... The other day I was going to Duna and looked out the window at a few million km in altitude and saw Duna and Ike. I went to cockpit view and zoomed all the way in to take a peek and saw a twinkling little spec between the two. And that little spec of a pixel is actually Kerbin. Amazing how they lined up like that lol. Verified in map view that kerbin was what I was seeing. Click to get full res and zoom in, you can see the pixel has a bluish tint to it.
I hadn't played KSP since 0.20, can someone recap what I missed?
AllenM3 replied to Piv's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Its all in the Read me: ChangeLog: ==================================== v0.22.0 ========================================================= New: * Career Mode: - Career Mode is now open! Although still very much under development, you can now start new Career saves. - Sandbox mode, of course, is also available from the start. * Research and Development: - Added the Research & Development Facility to the Space Center. - R&D allows players to unlock parts (and later other stuff) by researching nodes on the Tech Tree (In Career Mode). * Science: - Researching requires Science, which must be earned by performing experiments during your missions. - You can now collect surface samples while on EVA, and process them to do Science. - Science experiments return results, which are different for each situation in which the experiment is performed. - Experiments can (as all proper experiments must) be repeated over many different situations across the whole Solar System. - Added a new dialog to show the results of experiments when reviewing the collected data. - Added a new dialog to show a breakdown of all scientific progress made after recovering a mission. * Parts: - Added new scientific parts, like the Materials Bay and the Mystery Gooâ„¢ Canister. Also added experiments to many existing parts. - The old science sensors now have a purpose. They all have their own experiments which enable them to log scientific data. - The antennas are now functional, and can be used to transmit science data back to Kerbin, if recovering the physical experiments is not an option. - Antennas consume massive amounts of power when transmitting. Make sure you have fresh batteries in. - Added a new deployable antenna, which is an intermediate model compared to the two original ones. - Completely remodelled the Communotron 88-88 Comms Dish. The new mesh uses the same placement rules so it won't break ships that have it. - Nose Cones now actually help with improving stability during atmospheric flight. - Revised a lot of part values and descriptions, in preparation for them actually meaning something in the near future. - Overhauled the landing legs and gears, they now have proper shock-absorbing suspensions. * Editor: - Added a system to allow saving and loading of Sub-Assemblies. - Subassemblies are subsets of spacecraft, which can later be attached to other designs and re-used. * Space Center: - The KSC Facilities have all been revised, and feature new ground meshes and many other graphical improvements. - Greatly improved the Island Airfield. - Added lighting FX to several facilities. The Runway (among many other things) is now properly lit at night. - Added a new backdrop and soundtrack for the Astronaut Complex Facility. - Added a new music track for the R&D Facility. * Flight: - It is now possible to recover a flight after landing/splashdown on Kerbin without going through the Tracking Station. Look above the Altimeter. - The SAS system was again largely overhauled, based on all the feedback we've gotten from everyone. It's now stabler than ever. * Solar System: - Celestial Bodies now support Biome Maps, which are used to create different conditions for experiments. - Biomes are currently implemented on Kerbin and on the Mun, more will be added on later updates. * Launcher: - We've got a new launcher application for KSP, featuring a news bulletin, patcher management, and also allows you to tweak settings from outside the game. * Windows and OSX Installers: - The KSPStore version of the game can now also be downloaded as an installer wizard on Windows, and as a .dmg image on OSX. Bug Fixes and Tweaks: * Fixed an issue that caused a stream of errors to be thrown after planting a flag and opening the map. * Fixed several minor and not-so-minor issues with scene transitions. * Greatly improved the scene transition times. Loading delays between scenes should be significantly reduced. * The SAS indicator on the UI now changes colors to indicate when your input is overriding it. ==================================== v0.21.1 ========================================================= Bug Fixes and Tweaks: * Removed some unused assets from KSP/Parts. * Fixed an issue with some scenery meshes that could cause bits of the UI to become unresponsive in some cases (mainly in the VAB and SPH). * Tweaked some object scales slightly. * Tweaked the ocean color at sea level on Kerbin (was way too dark). * Fixed an issue that would cause lag while moving parts around the editor scenes if too many crews were hired at the same time. * Fixed an issue with the new SAS not properly maintaining attitude. Should be much better now. * Tweaked some parameters on the SAS to make it more responsive. ==================================== v0.21.0 ========================================================= New: * Space Center Scene: - The Space Center scene now uses the same terrain as in flight. - Time now passes in the Space Center scene, and day/night is consistent with in-flight. - The game terrain persists across scene transitions, making loading scenes much faster. * Construction: - Completely overhauled the interior models for the VAB and SPH buildings, complete with animated trucks and cargo lifts. - All-new exterior models for the VAB, SPH and Tracking Station. - New Astronaut Complex building. - Added a description field where you can write up a few lines to describe your space-faring contraptions. * Crew Management: - It is now possible to assign crew manually to missions before launch, both from the Construction Facilities and from Launch Sites. - Added completely new Launch Dialogs on the Runway and Launchpad at the Space center. - The new Astronaut Complex dialog allows you to hire crews from a list of Applicants, and view the status of all your crewmembers. - Revised the crew handling game logic, for a much more reliable and robust system. * SAS Modules: - Rewrote the SAS control logic from the ground up. - SAS is now enabled for the entire vessel, and requires actuators like winglets, RCS or others to actually have an effect. - Repurposed the old SAS modules are now Reaction Wheel Modules, that apply torque while consuming electricity. - The new SAS logic allows applying manual input while SAS is on, letting you set the ship's attitude without having to constantly toggle it. * Procedural Terrain: - Added a new module to generate craters procedurally on the Mun. - Largely revised Kerbin's terrain to produce much more interesting mountains, hills, valleys and coastlines. * Flight Re-Flow: - Removed the physically-impossible "End Flight" button. - Added new options to "Revert" a mission back to launch or to construction. - Added new 'Recover' button on the Tracking Station, to allow recovering a vessel (as opposed to Terminating it) when possible. - Recovering vessels makes its crew available again, while Terminating kills them. - The 'Space Center' button now allows you to leave flight at any time, warning when necessary about saving restrictions. * Progress Tracking: - The game now tracks your progress as you play, providing essential data for the upcoming Career Mode features. - Progress data is (optionally) uploaded to our servers, * Misc: - Improved the in-game shadowing to enable shadows at much larger distances. - Added several new parts from the KSPX pack as stock content. Bug Fixes and Tweaks: - Scenario Modules now properly save and load when the rest of the game saves and loads. - Scenario Modules can now have multiple target scenes set. - Improved the internal logic for switching to nearby vessels, it shouldn't refuse to switch with valid vessels nearby anymore. - Added a system to attempt upgrading incompatible save files if/when possible. - Tweaked PQS on other planets and moons to not initialize until approached. Improved performance a bit. - Added a new system on PQS to clamp terrain subdivision while moving very fast. Orbiting low near the surface is a lot smoother now. - Many more small tweaks and improvements. ==================================== v0.20.2 ========================================================= Bug Fixes and Tweaks: - Tweaked the PNG and JPG texture loaders to not use such insane amounts of memory. - Fixed the issues with mousewheel input on Linux. ==================================== v0.20.1 ========================================================= Bug Fixes and Tweaks: - Tweaked the logic for part-to-part collisions. Things should be much less likely to explode on contact. - Reverted the Mun's height values, so landmarks and bases shouldn't spawn below ground anymore (mind 20.0 saves though). - Tweaked part components on EVA so they start up with the right values. - Tweaked the suspension on the new Medium Rover Wheels, to fix jittering. - Fixed the too-low resolution on planetary diffuse and normal maps. - Fixed the screen resolution not being properly applied on game start. - Fixed some situations where the 'Control From Here' selection would be lost on resuming a game save. - Fixed a serious issue with the Cupola Pod that could cause spontaneous unplanned vessel disassembly. - Fixed an issue that caused internal spaces to spawn in duplicate sometimes. It was harmless but wasted resources. - Fixed the scale of Gilly in the Tracking Station scene. - Fixed a few issues with flags behaving weirdly after they were toppled down. - Fixed the camera jitter when walking around on EVA. ==================================== v0.20.0 Exp====================================================== Bug Fixes and Tweaks: - Decoupled vessels now properly inherit the action group state of the original vessel. - "Root-dropping" decoupling now properly preserves the staging count for the new decoupled vessel. - Fixed the EVA flags looking weird during the initial part of the flag-plant animation. - Fixed staging icons on decoupled parts not being removed from the staging list. - Fixed the suspension jitter on the Medium Wheels. - Several improvements to how collisions are detected and handled in the editors. - Symmetrical counterparts now properly glow red or green based on whether they can attach or not. - Added a sound for when placing/releasing parts in the editor isn't possible. - Added the flag pole to the editor scene background. - Adjusted collision and torque values for the medium wheels so they're a bit faster and tougher. - Adjusted wheel breaking logic to take into account the relative velocities of rigidbodies. ==================================== v0.20.0 ========================================================= New: * Parts: - Command Seats for Kerbals on EVA. - New Cupola pod with IVA. - New Small Lander pod with IVA. - 2 new Probe Cores. - New Large Docking Clamp. - New Medium Wheel. * Flags: - Kerbals on EVA can now plant Flags on terrain. - Several Stock flags to choose from. - Flags are moddable. Create your own! - Planting a Flag allows you to name the site, which becomes a focusable object in flight and on the Tracking Station. - Planted flags have a Plaque, which can be written during placement, and read only when approached by an EVA. - Added a Flag selector to the Game Start Dialog. - Added a Flag Pole Facility to the Space Center. - Added a FlagDecal part module. Allows any part to have a part of its model textured with the selected flag. * Editor: - Added Flag selector to Editor scenes, to select a flag for the mission (defaults to space program flag). - The Editor no longer requires that the first part on a vessel be a Command Pod. - Any part which allows both stacking and surface-attaching can be used as the vessel root. - Added a new part filtering system to the parts list, which allows excluding and greying-out parts based on any criteria. - It is now possible to delete the first part on a vessel, and replace it. * UI: - Added the first iteration of the Kerbal Knowledge Base: A collection of vessel and planetary information on the Map and Tracking Station. - The Knowledge Base shows information about known Celestial Bodies, displays the crews inside vessels, and much more. - Added Filtering by vessel type on the Tracking Station. - Added Filtering to the Map View as well (hover around the top-center of the screen) - New Loading Screens, with hints. * I/O: - GameDatabase: Completely overhauled the loading process with a completely new system. - Mods and Stock Parts can now have their own separate folders for organization. - Added a Flags folder to collect flag bitmaps. - Added a scene transition buffer system, to ensure optimal memory cleanup when switching scenes. * Controls: - Switching vessels no longer resets throttle and other input whenever possible. - Going on EVA and boarding a vessel (or boarding a seat) also no longer reset the vessel's input state. - Decoupled vessels inherit the old vessel's control state. - All parts on a stage will get activated now, even if that stage causes some of those parts to get jettisoned away. Bug Fixes and Tweaks: - Streamlined PQS Terrain Assets, reduced memory usage by up to 30%. - Upgraded Debug Menu, allows reloading parts and cfg files while playing. - The Map View now properly prioritizes selecting moused-over map nodes when multiple orbits overlap. - It's now possible to 'pin' the Ap and Pe nodes, so their captions remain visible after moving the mouse away. - Removed the Splash Screen scene. Now the game starts loading as soon as the application starts. - Rewrote and organized many scattered game events into a single coherent GameEvents System, which plugins can use. - If you crash/explode, focus now shifts to the nearest controllable vessel (if any) instead of going straight to the End Flight dialog. - Many more small bug fixes and tweaks. -
Haha, that's awesome. About a month ago on the 20th I was at my gf's apartment and was on the couch playing ksp on my laptop. Well her roommates bf walks in and see's me playing and goes "No way, you play KSP?!" I say "Ya its my favorite game, do you play?" Well he ends up going back home to grab his laptop and comes back to show me his space program. It was pretty awesome though he uses alot more mods than I. Unite 2013 was that same day so we had a long conversation about what Harvester's talked about with KSP and Unity. It was an awesome surprise to meet someone in person that loves the games just as much as I do.
I am disappointed that there is no science in Sandbox mode
AllenM3 replied to johnnyhandsome's topic in KSP1 Discussion
As far as .22 goes. Whats the difference between a fully unlocked tech tree in career mode and sandbox mode? Accumilative science and unique messages? Why not just just have fun unlocking the full tech tree then in the end wouldn't you have essentially what this thread is asking for? -
Well first of all. What are you having issues with? Are you having trouble leaving Kerbin? Are you constantly running out of fuel? Are you having trouble setting up maneuver nodes to get to another planet?
Id love to launch something off that mountain.
The other day I was going to Duna and looked out the window at a few million km in altitude and saw Duna and Ike. I went to cockpit view and zoomed all the way in to take a peek and saw a twinkling little spec between the two. And that little spec of a pixel is actually Kerbin. Amazing how they lined up like that lol. Verified in map view that kerbin was what I was seeing. Click to get full res
If you are in Kerbin orbit 100km Pe x 100km Ap with a full tank its going to take quite a bit of fuel to make a kerbin escape orbit. But lets say to head out to minimus, refueled via a fuel station then make your orbit Pe around 80km off of kerbin. Then you roughly have a spacecraft with a full tank of fuel with a orbit of 80km Pe x 47,000km Ap. When you burn at Perikee you are taking advantage of the Oberth effect and it takes a tiny bit more fuel to make a kerbin escape orbit. I find this way the most efficient way to make interplanetary transfers from Kerbin cause it leaves you with almost a full tank.
It will be easy enough to kill yourself in space painlessly by taking off your helmet. Thats kind of frightening to think about. Like what if the explosion on Apollo 13 disabled the vessel and threw it into some crazy huge orbit around earth. Wouldn't it be weird living in a time, knowing that there is a spacecraft thats been orbiting earth for the last 43 years with 3 dead astronauts in it... crazy.
Okay. Thanks so much. Very good program. Looks like the craft is in a very eccentric orbit right now. It will orbit earth 3 more times before arriving at the Moon October 6th. Period looks be be around 7 and a half days. Very interesting, Exactly 1 month trip to the day. I wonder if the craft will make any additional burns at Perigee or not.
I am very interested in Nasa's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer program and would love to follow its flight real time. Does anyone know where I can find info on when it will arrive at the moon? Sort of like a live feed on the mission? I've looked and cant find anything except for watching live NasaTv, and I cant tell if they are showing live footage or footage from yesterday.
I wish some of the planets would change and have an axial tilt. Sort of how Earth, Saturn, Uranus, Netpune all have a pretty significant tilt to them
First thing I did when .21 was available
I get this too. Lately Ive just been muting KSP and playing music. I would love for the engine sounds to get a good overhaul. My personal opinion is that the SRB's sound and leave a much better smoke trail then any other liquid engine.
Do the scene load times keep you away from 0.21.1?
AllenM3 replied to Benie's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Same with me. i7 4.2Ghz, 6gb ram gtx580. In .20 it took 5 maybe 6 seconds to go from VAB to Launchpad, Now in .21.1 takes 15 second and more. 100% stock -
I just call it Moon. I've always wondered if in the kerbal universe the word Mun = Moon. Are all Moon's Muns? Or is Mun just the name of Kerbin's Moon. Ive always seen people say, "I landed on the Mun". Should they say "I landed on Mun" or "I landed on the Moon"? (relative to kerbin) Cause say your are at Duna. You wouldnt say "I landed on the Ike". You would say "I landed on Ike" or "I landed on Duna's Moon (Mun?)." Is Ike Duna's Moon, or Mun?
What do you guys think of the Mun's new surface?
AllenM3 replied to bigdad84's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Its a definite step in the right direction. Not perfect, (though we cannot expect perfection) but much much better than the Mun we have now. So I welcome it and cant wait to land on it. Hopefully the anomalies are preserved. Hope Minimus gets updated cause that is my favorite and most visited celestial body. -
Someone let the Kraken out of the game...