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Everything posted by Marder1986

  1. Morgen Männers und Mädels. Hab mal wieder KSP angefangen aber leider kriege ich jetzt regelmäßig Crash to Desktops. Kann von euch vielleicht jemand was mit diesen absturz berichten anfangen. Habe schon wieder ättliche mods mal einzelnd rausgenommen. Ist natürlich sau ärgerlich. Würde mich über eure hilfe sehr freuen. MfG Daniel Error Log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3044203/Kerbal%20Space%20Program/error.log Output Log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3044203/Kerbal%20Space%20Program/output_log.txt
  2. Very Cool Thanks for your hard an phantasic work I love it. and Start Rebuild my Kerb Lab Spacestation
  3. Thanks for the update "yongedevil" can´t await your mod. i miss the o2 support is one of the best mods to bring more realsim in KSP . Love it
  4. Any news. Release in the end of last weekend hmmm... XD
  5. Here my first Space station in orbit ner on finish. The Kerb Lab 2 Hope enjoy.
  6. Hey, I Love this mod. is very very great. Have only one wish to use the RCS texture is okay. But can you give the O2 tanks an recylers and other. Maybee give a other color white or an Lite blue??? Best Regards Daniel
  7. Hey, When activate the Romfarer Plugin. Los On Every Liftoff the TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer. with boom and away no longer see the disconectet enhancers. When i deactivate the Romfarer plugin. all okay the enhancer Disconect from Space vehicle and alive the disconect. Is that a bug????
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