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Everything posted by rustylugnut

  1. I would just take him out of the capsule, hand him a coke and just sit down and watch tv or something
  2. I would just take him out of the capsule, hand him a beer and just sit down and watch tv or something
  3. This is my M.E.P. lander. There is a rover under the fuel tank in the middle that had already been taken off. The three brave kerbonauts that landed with this mission are no longer with us. RIP
  4. This is my munar rover. It was sent up to survey the munar surface. Sadly it didn't last long because i wrecked it. RIP And this is the rover i sent up with my first manned mun mission. The three brave kerbanauts you see are no longer with us, but the rover is.......abandoned on the mun
  5. You want to start small. You might want to get more general practice in flying and landing and orbital mechanics and stuff before you start trying to build a base on the mun. Other than that, it looks like a pretty good base. You might want to take those big roof panel things off if you don't have a powerful computer,though, they might make it lag a little.(or alot)
  6. 13. Glad to see other younger kids here. I was starting to think I may be the only one. I play halo/cod/battlefield games but I also like games like ksp too.
  7. I had heard people talk about it in the Beamng forums but never really looked into it. One day someone said something about it in some thread and I had nothing else to do, so I googled it and downloaded the demo. That was back in march. I didn't join the forums till April and got the game in early may. I'm completely hooked now.
  8. I'm not sure if i'm experienced enough to be telling people how to gain experienced, hell, I don't even have the full game. Anyway, I got the demo in the beginning of April. I played for a few days, then just kinda forgot about it. About a week ago, I got re-interested in it. I think the demo tutorials were about the best thing i watched. I got to the mun for the first time just a few days ago. Long story short, The in-game tutorials were the best for me. Oh,ya, The wiki tutorials aren't bad, either
  9. I would do that, but i am stuck in the demo version. And, being new to the game, I ended the flight. Since then, I have landed two more times, both of them without damage. But I didn't have enough fuel to return either time. Poor kerbals.
  10. Can i delete posts. I had a post here but i got rid of it and I don't know how to delete posts. Sorry
  11. 79: We should be able to select a cool ship that we have made, then we should be able to order a small model of it that sits on a stand with the name of the ship engraved into it.
  12. I got the demo less than a week ago. I kinda screwed around a bit, then i took the tutorials. I kinda figured out how to orbit and stuff. Today I "landed" on the mun. I ran out of fuel when i was trying to slow down to land. I hit the ground, and it blew up my engine, then it fell over and the command pod separated from the fuel tank, but jebediah survived!
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