Hello at last! I had been looign at KSP on Steam for a littel while now, but was always hesitant to take the $23 plunge for "alpha, or is it beta?" sofrtware. Any way over the next few weeks, I kept seeing it on Steam and it just piqued my interest. It was like this irritating nagging voice in my head... "Try me." it would wisper everyt ime I saw it... DAMN IT! Luckily I noticed a demo and tried that out. I persevered through my teething troubles building my first rocket, and promptly went for a launch, I hit space, but was sub-orbital. Frantically I looked about for the KSP formus... Off-line, DAMN! Anyway long story short. After some more trials I managed to get to low earth/kerbal/I-forget_the-planet-name" orbit... Needless to say I handed over my $23 that same night I downloaded the demo, what a blast! I LOVE KSP! I'm still convinced I am not particularly efficient at getting stuff to orbit, but I'm having a great time experimenting! Love KSP! (Hate how hard it was to get past the "spam filter" to register for this site! Even rocket science is easier! lol! I AM NOT A SPAMMER! Thsi si the sourceof my "at last" in "Hello at last"! yes I even created a whiole new emaila ccount, just in case the KSP forums just in case I was black-listed by emails address! (I have no idea why I would be!)) So hello to all the other more established KSP followers! Cheers Rob