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Everything posted by Schnick

  1. Utility: Schnick Inc. Fuel Cell ScreenShot:http://i.imgur.com/qCqPnlL.jpg Mass: 39.505 File:http://efshare.com/?s=G9UGTX Name:Schnick The design for this Fuel Cell custom made to fit into your skycranes by using the same design you used but on the top of the cell for refueling along with connection sites for many rovers.
  2. Name: Schnick Schnick Incorporated has developed a Space Cannon the Sagittarius Series Cannon should serve you well. What I need to know: To use this cannon first be on Mun. This cannon will be hard to operate while in Kerbin 's strong gravitational pull. The design for the cannon allows it to be landed without the landing gears to be down. Notice: There is no ladder to lead up to the cannon, this is because the way this cannon was designed it doesn't allow ladder to let the Kerbals to step up on the platform. Luckily the cannon was designed for Mun so a jet pack should be enough to get up to the platform. It also comes with a docking port for refueling the cannon. The cannon should be able to be used many many times before refueling but after about 100 uses it may have to be refueled. Schnick Inc. will design its own refueling rover/vehicle if necessary. Use: Start by placing a Kerbal in the barrel . Then make sure the throttle is at 100%. Then activate the landing struts and that will aim the cannon into the air. Then start up the thruster and watch the kerbal fly. Weight:35 mass units Pics: http://i.imgur.com/SqQCK43.jpg http://i.imgur.com/cOe1vs2.jpg File: http://www.filedropper.com/saggitariuscannon Schnick Inc. is not responsible for injury or deaths while this is in use.
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