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Everything posted by superlou

  1. That animation suite looks really in depth. Not sure if the Kerbals faces are rigged for it, but I wonder if you could map mouth phonemes to hotkeys to animate speaking.
  2. Hi Plume, thanks for the feedback! I meant the reasonable bit tongue-in-cheek. I've played KSP casually for a while, so have a decent idea what's capable from a vanilla game play standpoint. It sounds like I should play around with it as a "camera" for a while.
  3. So, based on someone's Reddit post, I got curious about using KSP for making a space machinima. As any reasonable person would do, I started writing before I knew what the game was capable of from a film maker's perspective. From what I've found, there's a mod to change the textures of Kerbals so they can be a little easier to identify. I've seen people get pretty creative with stock parts to make both interior and exterior sets. I was wondering, though, is it possible to control gestures or expressions of Kerbals? I've been googling, but haven't found anything definitive saying it can or can't be done. Anyone interested in am original(-ish) plot based machinima? Thanks, Louis
  4. Whoops, swapped periapsis and apoapsis. How about: Eccentricity: 0.00297619047619048 Apoapsis velocity: 2285.64390920694 Periapsis velocity: 2299.28954448579
  5. Hi SunJumper. I converted the C code to Sage: http://gath.louissimons.com/tools/3 I need to figure out how to have my preprocessor identify strings properly. Currently, when you enter the body name, you need to wrap it in quotes. So, if I enter 'kerbin', 70000, and 73000, I get: Eccentricity: 0.00297619047619048 Periapsis velocity: 2285.64390920694 Apoapsis velocity: 2299.28954448579
  6. I've seen a few posts that go pretty deep into some excellent math. I was wondering if anybody would have a use for a tool to experiment with writing gameplay optimizations? I've duct-taped a demo here that is a paper-thin (and ugly, don't forget ugly) wrapper over the Sage mathematics platform. Sage is pretty awesome and covers CAS and matrix operations using a python-like syntax. Anyway, if there's some interest, I'll try to keep developing and make it more of a useable tool rather than a tech demo. Open to any comments and suggestions. It currently doesn't have basic nicities like version control or permissions, so you might want to play nice with each other's tools. It's also on a dirt cheap VPS so I apologize if it's not the fastest site out there. Thanks, Louis
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