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  1. Ya well its not up to date for 23.5 i tend to be a few weeks behind the curve. I love seeing others work to the same problem. more apps that do a similar thing = better choices for end users. I'm sure many just want to yous your quick launcher over my bulky solution.
  2. You can supply form information with wget believe the username and password would go something like this in wget --logmc="Post=$username" --pwdmc="Post=$uerpassword" I can't remember its been a year now from the time i did it. The logmc and pwdmc comes from the kerbal website. <td align="right" style="font-size:12px;">Email: <input type="text" id="logmc" name="logmc" size="20" class="login_field" /></td> <td align="right" style="font-size:12px;">Password: <input type="password" id="pwdmc" name="pwdmc" size="20" class="login_field" /></td>
  3. Nailed it! technogeeky. Only thing Id add to this is that there is a question mark symbol next to every option you can click it and it will take you to a page full of information on that setting I am running a nvidia 550ti and notice the boost not in frames per second but how many parts i can get before I start getting red lag flashes. I am able to get 20 more parts on a craft with it enabled. but that's at 300 + parts. So 320 parts threaded opto - 300 parts NO threaded opto / 300 = 6.6% performance increase. Its not much but ill take it I could put a user form in and let a user set the number but if I get a log file that showes that a user needs more than a 2048? ulimit ill give that option. Thanks for all my beta testers and the good remarks of support. I'm aware that this was built on a windows computer and then tested only on my linux mint 13 computer so there are sure to be bugs. Also I never know what a user is going to click in what order may be different than what I do. So if you find an issue let me know Ill put time towards fixing it. even if its jsut a glitch you can work around. Log file is key with this. LCL log is in the main LCL folder. Thanks again meeki
  4. not all linux os have option open in terminal. best to open a terminal and then goto the dir that LCL is in and type ./LCL
  5. Can I get your LCL.log file ??? it will be in the dir you ran from It will tell me the path used.
  6. Good to hear! For me in linux mint.... an unbuntu based os I can copy paste to terminal. I copy text here like the line you got mixed up with a pipe " | " for ell " l " Just copy here like normal then when in the terminal left click and an option for paste should come up..... well it does for me. hope it saves you some miss types.
  7. Have you tried the 64bit segfault fix? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24529-The-Linux-compatibility-thread!?p=857019&viewfull=1#post857019 It's known that without it your going to crash to desktop with no msg. Gets worse as you install mods. this way you might be able to run the 64bit version. Don't want to type in terminal? give my LCL a go http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/63128-Linux-LCL-Linux-Compatibility-Loader-0-0-1?p=862651&viewfull=1#post862651
  8. You should not be having these issues with the hardware your running. Me ---> Nvidia 550ti http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-550ti/specifications I could only find link to 1GB memory version I have 2GB card You --> Nvidia GTX 765M http://www.geforce.com/hardware/notebook-gpus/geforce-gtx-765m/specifications Can you link me: CPU / RAM / laptop model OS your running (version too) Program your using to detect frame rates Nvida Driver Version --> please run this line in term to get that number nvidia-smi | grep -oP "Version: \K.*" | awk '{print $1}' and a craft file to a ship your using so I can use the same one. I'm going to pull out the old 250gb harddrive and install a system like yours and run kerbal. Somthing is off here.
  9. This issue made the cut for the LCL jsut did not have time to tell you till now. You were not the only one it seems that the only thing common between distros and fonts is the root font dir and ArialBold. The LCL script is root only now and installs with the new font name. Thanks for the testing it made the cut.
  10. LCL - Linux Compatibility Loader is relesed! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/63128-Linux-LCL-Linux-Compatibility-Loader-0-0-1?p=862651&viewfull=1#post862651 Sal_vager I put a link in it too that points to page one of your Linux-Compatibility thread!
  11. Try my font script http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24529-The-Linux-compatibility-thread%21?p=855124&viewfull=1#post855124 Ive only used it in DEB based systems. Might work on arch. I doubt it will break arch. Worse case is it will install them .ttf files but it will not be detected.
  12. I've been watching this from 2008 - current Here is a good build link http://www.stevekelly.eu/cluster.shtml Ive stayed away from it due to the network speed requirements. 100 meg network card and switch are not going to cut it. Also Its meant to run with Threaded applications or parallel! So here is what might happen. Kerbal main process opens on one of your clusters eating 3% of its CPU The physics process opens on another cluster and eats 100% of its CPU Another kebal process opens on the third cluster eats 2% of your CPU Gain in processing power is 5% ( not counting overhead and lag) Now if someday Kerbal becomes multi-threaded in the physics department you still have to deal with overhead. Lag, throughput, loss cramming it all in the IP layer and then putting it all back together. IP traffic is not loss less and has to attach a number to each packet. It does not care what order the data is sent in so when it arrives back and forth there is overhead putting all them bytes back together. Whats supper cool about this cluster setup is you have a main machine. And then if you need more processes you just add another node (computer). So if your hosting a web server and you get too many clients and need more threads to serve then you just add another node. For now Ive got away with just using a reverse proxy and a ton of ram. I'm not saying don't do it. Just that you may not see much of a speed boost
  13. If you notice its commented out. I use this code to send an argument from the unity Linux compatibility loader I'm still working on. Funny things happen with unity I'm forced to make a program written in windows work on a Linux system with bash. Important! will fix this issue in the next releases. I was having my Linux compatibility loader do that before the bash is run so I can track it in that and do a roll back if needed. I'll have it do that in the bash as well. I'm a fan of newlines \n printf is great for that but for me as a bash nublet of 3 years I got stuck in a habit of echo. I tend to use it for comments I also Like to use echo "" as a way to break up my code and what I'm reading. Your right though it would make my code cleaner if i could have a long printf with newlines running across one line rather than echo echo echo. Just started reading up on this. http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/here-docs.html interesting way of doing it. my fave part so far is this "Example 19-8. A script that generates another script" I can see this saving some time in longer code. Don't agree. I love functions !!! Here is the one I made for running Linux bash and exe stuff from unity on Linux. //ExecuteLinuxFile or bash command //Runs a linux Bash Script or executable file outside of Unity // //Paramiters: //directory, the directory path of the file in relation to $HOME of this application //filename, the name of the file ... dont forget extention if exzists //waitforexit, bool value true forces unity to wait for app to exit public static void ExecuteLinuxFile(string directory, string filename, bool waitforexit) { Process excute = new Process(); excute.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; excute.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; excute.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; //In unity //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("Fake Running" + filename); //excute.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe"; //Linux excute.StartInfo.FileName = "/bin/bash"; excute.StartInfo.Arguments = directory + filename; excute.Start(); if(waitforexit) { excute.WaitForExit(); } } I love one offs as well. The thing is this is a very linear script as you said and is less than a page. If I don't need more than a page of code to get the job done and/or I don't need to do the same thing more than 3 times I tend to skip functions. Thanks for the pointers I love learning new things. Meeki
  14. Update: Still working on it ran into some issues that have forced me to start back at square 1. OnGUI does not work proper in linux. Buttons have click issues. Thanks unity Fix - use onclick insted but I now have to make my gui the long way Just got the main menu done again. Font's looks like the ariel font that comes with unity still plagues linux. Fix - now using unbuntu fonts and including them in the assets folder so they will compile with my program and not depend on system installed fonts. Detecting installed copy of kerbal version dang near impossible Fix - release 2 versions of my Linux Compatibility Loader one for 0.22 and below and one for 0.23 and above. Looks like all new future improvements will take place on the current version of kerbal. Other issues found but fixed still pluging away on this. Learned from the first run and taking the time to make it modular and object based this time. Lots of functions that are one off's
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