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Everything posted by Rumpullpus

  1. ya the GUI didn't show anything but i managed to just type it into the directory manually on the GUI and it works now. thanks for the help.
  2. ok so i managed to get the plugin to actually work now (problem was that mod manager would put the mod in a file named after the .ZIP file, so instead of being RBR it was upload bla bla chatterer) but now i got a new problem, i cant hear any chatter going on. i got it set to max vol. and max chattyness but they must have space tape on their mouths because i cant hear them. funny enough i can hear some of the beeps though. tryed doing a fresh install of the mod didnt work. looked through the Log and found this. warning: initial chatter set is empty (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54) warning: response chatter set is empty (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54) initial_chatter_set has no audioclips, abandoning exchange
  3. well i found this in the output_log ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[unityEngine.AudioClip].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at RBR.rbr_chatterer.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 other than that though i couldn't find any errors to speak of. and yes i have checked for that little mic but its not there.
  4. ya that's what i have been looking for since it did work at one time but i cant find it i checked where the files were installed and they seem to be in the correct place (GameData/chatterer_4_1) i will check that log.
  5. i cant seem to get this mod to work. i used the mod manager to install (like i do with all my mods) and i can see it loading the sounds and stuff when the game is loading everything. i can put the chatterer on the ship but when i go to launch there is no icon or windows that i can see for me to turn it on. i got plenty of power on the ship so i know its not that.
  6. this the problem i got, love the mod but i cant use it because of the lag
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