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Everything posted by StoneC0ld

  1. In the VAB, hinges are attached correctly: On the launchpad: Beams are now turned around 180 degrees, with the hinge sections separated until the hinges are motored to extend the beams. Beams with dishes remain turned the wrong way when deployed. Are these the hinges that are not yet updated/fixed?
  2. Hi all Pardon the delay in responding, been a little busy... Thank you all for your input. I have not decided yet whether I'll add another satellite or two to make it 5/6 satellites in geo, abandon plans to put the satellites in geo and put 3-4 satellites at a lower orbit or simply tweak the files to extend the range to make my currently existing set of 4 sats fully functional as-is. I'll figure that out when I get some more time for KSP...
  3. Hi all I am currently attempting to set up a commsat network around Kerbin for Remotetech, consisting of 3 satellites in geosynchronous orbit. From what I've seen on a few tutorials and Youtube videos, I should be able to do this with 3 satellites, and the satellites should be able to communicate with each other with the Communotron32 antenna. However, it absolutely refuses to work for me. By the time I get the second satellite to about 120 degrees from the first one (position roughly over KSC), the second satellite has no communication with anything. I've tried satellites using the Communotron32 antenna. I've tried satellites using the dish with the 90Mm range (which should be overwhelmingly excessively long range for what I need). I've tried everything I have. The probe/CPU I'm using does work, because I know the first satellite works just fine. If it matters, though, it is using the "RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit)" for its probe module. What could I be doing wrong? Do I have to give up on limiting this to 3 satellites and make it 4? Do I need to redesign the satellite with a different probe? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Dave
  4. Do you have a Youtube account? If so, you could always go through your video history and possibly find the video you're looking for, if you were logged in when you originally watched the video. I don't know if this is available if you're not logged in or don't have an account...
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