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Posts posted by Callmedave

  1. I made a early tech 'shuttle' I cant post a picture as im not at my home PC. but basically It was just a rocket with extra fins attached.

    It uses 4 boosters to get it out the atmosphere, the rocket itself then gets to orbit (just) I used this for the tourist contracts.

    the stage would deorbit and glide down and recovers. this gets to orbit for the cost of 4 boosters and some fuel. it will carry 4 tourists and 1 pilot so it was a good money maker.

    I can post a picture of it later if you wish, its worked really well for such low tech.

  2. A tip for saving money is to hire some kerbals. I know they cost money but its better to hire them when you only have three staff on your roster, say you rescue some but want more scientists it will cost more to hire them after you have rescued say ten or so staff. if you get them early then it wont cost as much.

    I spend about 1 million on staff early on to ensure I have enough scientists and a spare pilot or 2.

  3. I have a 2.5 service bay saved as a sub assembly that I use on lifters that I know will be going to orbit so that I can de-orbit that stage.

    i.e. in the service bay is: Probe core, Reaction wheels, Solar panels, communication equipment (usually the antenna is sufficient) some batteries and enough mono prop that I need to de-orbit that stage.

    - I could even add some parachutes to make these stages recoverable!

    when its required i just grab the subassembly and pop it on knowing it has everything I need.

  4. i would like to add my suggestion too.


    Starting off in a perfect 90° inclined orbit is good so that you cover the poles, but then you end up scanning areas you have already scanned.


    after 'a few' orbits change your inclination +/- 10° and repeat after a few orbits.If you use scan sat it is easy to track when you have covered the areas of the planet near the poles.


  5. I have only just got a class B asteroid in to Kerbin orbit. (my first ever yay!)

    My next mission was to send up a miner and get what i can out of it. Then i was going to put it in Minmus orbit. 

    once there Im sure il build some kind of station on it but haven't thought that far ahead yet.

  6. I really like the idea of the 'helicopter'

    I think its Fire spitter mod that added rotor blades, one type is even foldable so could be ok on the Eve descent.

    There are electric and fuel powered options, and using tweakscale you can adjust them for optimum TWR.

    There is definitely some investigation to be done here. If i get time, I'll have a go at this at the weekend.

    (never been to Eve, not even a flyby!)

  7. Ive been playing with remote tech so im savvy with most of it, but i have a situation i cant solve:

    I have two vessels in orbit of Duna. A hab and a lander. the lander is manned, the hab is not.

    I want to land the hab remotely from the lander, i.e. a kerbal in the lander controls the hab on the way down, the reason for this is i have a 1 minute signal delay from Kerbin, so i cant land with that kind of delay.

    I deactivated the habs connections to Kerbin and it is only connected to the Lander, (via a Comm 32, DTS M1 and a Comm88)  but it looses signal and is not controllable. 

    Is this possible with remote tech or am i doing it wrong?


    Many thanks!

  8. In my 1.1.2 career mode i have picked up a remote tech contract to get satellite network set up around Moho.

    Ive built a single launch vehicle with 4 satellites attached which is proven (same design for Kerbin, Mun and Minmus sats) The delivery section can be used as a fifth satellite too if required.

    Ive adapted it to have enough Dv (with about 20% surplus) 

    Does anyone have any tips for this contract. I'll post an image of the craft and contract when i get back home if anyones interested.

  9. You need to change the root part.

    Click the root symbol in the top right corner of the build screen, its a zig zag with a square on each end.

    you click on the source part (the probe core or first part you put down) then click the new root part (the girder section) this means you can now attach the girder to the other part you are trying to.


    That should work.

  10. 23 hours ago, Brainlord Mesomorph said:

    I went to Duna and all I got was this lousy shirt.

    Patched Conics for fun and profit!

    I thought this patch from an old mission would make a good shirt:


    When i was reading this i thought of 'I  went to Dres and all i got was this lousy t-shirt'

    Or 'I brake at atmo'


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