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Everything posted by mindvr

  1. Tried to improve this design adding 2 more stages: but So, I decided to finish with this design ???
  2. Not so interesting, but good reason for me to practice with new 0.13 parts. Since this challenge don\'t mean Mun landing I\'ve replaced 2*3 radial decouplers with an fuel tank with equal mass. The result is 6472 m/s, here are screenshots:
  3. Thought about over-engineering too, so with v 0.13 I\'ve made more compact spacecraft with hybrid side tanks-boosters.
  4. Hi there. Let me share my happiness. After a week of trying i finally did it. Only stock parts and the crew has returned to Kerbin.
  5. Don\'t want to make another Mun topic, so I\'ll post here: Kerbin - Mun - Kerbin with only stock parts:
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