Hello, I think this may qualify as a Jeb level entry. Details: - 0.25, career, full tech tree - Mods: Toolbar, MechJeb, TacFuelBalancer, Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3 launches, Main ship, Main lander, Tylo Lander, Tylo lander launch also topped up the fuel before departure - costs: - J-V-CM: 272,622 credits, 518T on pad - Laythe1: 55,038 credits, 7.45T on pad - Tylo1: 94,664 credits, 136T on pad - 94T fully assembled, fueled, ready to go Mission Plan: - Assemble ship in Kerbin orbit ~300km - Jool Transfer - Inside Jool SOI, reconfigure ship, dropping empty tank and engines. - Tylo lander and Tug, piloted by Jeb - Main ship with Tug and MultiLander - Jeb goes to Tylo by way of a Jool aerobrake - Main ship goes directly to Laythe, aerocapture - Jeb Lands on Tylo, waits till he is needed - Bill Lands on Laythe, goes for a swim, returns to ship - Ship goes on to Vall - Bob lands on Vall, returns to ship - Ship goes to high Jool Orbit out near Bop - Thompwin takes lander to Bop, lands, returns to ship - Lemwise takes lander to Pol, lands, takes off - Jeb leaves Tylo, switches to the tug, takes tug back to ship, refuels main ship - Lemwise takes lander back to ship - Main ship leaves Jool SOI, transfers back to Kerbin - Aerocapture at Kerbin - Lab and Hab return to KSC - Profit There are many more details... Thanks, Pete