I'm working on a mod atm and I'm not very experienced in KSP modding. To control parts in this mod I want to use the W,A,S,D,Q,E (and maybe shift & ctrl) buttons when my module is activated. After hours of trying to reverse-engineer some open source code and reading the tiny fraction of API information available, I still have a few questions: - The input seems to be saved in a FlightCtrlState (specifically: vessel.CtrlState). If I change all the values it contains to zero, will that mean the control of the vessel will be disabled? I need to do this since I want to use the input to control other things. (I know I could use different keys, but using the same as for controlling a vessel will be better in the case of my mod) - I found information from Unity that you can get the input from W,A,S,D with Input.GetAxis("Horizontal/Vertical") does it work in KSP? and what is the name of the axis for Q and E? (I know I could use Input.GetKey() but that only returns true/false) - Is OnfixedUpdate the best place to check user input? Thanks in advance! Morolas