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Posts posted by Metapher

  1. [...]

    How will particle effects like engine thrust be handled.

    How will physics be handled to enable things like collisions and docking (If this gets to the point where collaborative space stations are possible, wow, just wow).


    Since you alread answered yourself:

    Because of the Craft-File-Exchange*, the other vessel should look and feel like you would play with it.

    Exhaust should be there, and they should collide.

    Docking will be a bit tricky...i imagine a dock-confirm-system, like in the Scifi-Movies.

    If a player targets your port in a close range (100m or something), both players will get a bi-directional message in a "Master and Slave"-style.

    Both players select the style of docking -> Master/Slave -> if both select the respective opposite, docking ports will open and be dockable.

    P1 selects Slave: P2 will control the whole vessel e.g. attaching the new parts to P2-vessel (P1 loses control of his parts)

    P1 selects Master: P1 will control the whole vessel e.g. attaching the new parts to P1-vessel (P2 loses control of his parts)

    ... as long as they are docked.

    On undocking, the parts will be seperated to the player-IDs and everybody has their control back.


    When a player wants to push is vessel out of the VAB/SPH, it MUST be saved to a craft-file.

    Then the file-sync hits and seeds the new craft-file to every other player.

    Only the player who wants to start gets a loadingscreen, till every other client responds with "craft-file successfully synced".

    So every player has the same file and will see the same ship during the game.

  2. So iam going to mess around with kOS, but i still have some questions:

    is there a inline "-help" or "-command" to list all commands or something?

    and am i able to call (like dos-batch call) different scriptfiles inside another scriptfile?

    like when my ascent-script is finished, i would like to call my transfer-script.

  3. I dont mod, and iam a bad programmer, but heres my opinion about the synchro problem (and excuse my english-german-mixed-grammar):

    Whats in my head about positions:

    What your mod needs to force, is a 0-State.

    A time where the game starts in an initial state, where every position, rotation/angle, blah blah, from every object is set from a startvariable.

    Also every ship on the launchpad has always a same startposition, ALWAYS. Because you defined this position by placing it in the VAB

    So even when the game started a while ago, we could recalculate the startposition of the ship, like it would be placed on the launchpad right at the moment of game-initialisation.

    With these informations (6-axis + 3 angles) of the "0-State" of every vessel, we are able to calculate the same position for every other user from the actual position.

    (Where is the launchpad now -> where would have it been at 0-State -> calculated difference)

    All the clients needs to know are the 0-States as fixed variables and the real-time "Now-State". The rest should be highschool mathematics, since KSP doenst use n-body-problematics.

  4. It will work as long as you assign it action groups as GavinZac said with one caveat. When you want it to move you must also toggle the action group for it to stop.

    for example.

    toggle AG1. WAIT 3.0. toggle AG1. - this will let you move an IR part for 3 seconds then stop it. hope this helps!

    Nice to know, but its not the best solution hm?

    Because in this case, i can use only 5 parts maximum?!

    10 AG = 5 Move+ and 5 Move-

    And seconds as unit arent the best solution. Maybe i'm want too much, but degrees/steps like a stepper-motor are better ^^;

    Sadly there are no visible unique IDs for parts..

  5. Öh....3 Pages about he/she/it !?


    Most people only know that if you drive up a mountain, the air gets colder(due to the troposphere lapse rate) and just assume that continues all the way up. Unless they happen to be a pilot or a meteorologist, most people don't have a reason to understand inversion layers or isothermal layers. But yes, if you graph temperature against altitude it's a very squiggly line :)

    lucky me, that i skipped geography in the last 2 grades..years ago..

    offcourse i heard from the different air-layers, but didnt imagine that they are implemented.

    also i ever thought of inversion only in low heights as weather-phenomenon (low hanging smoke from easter-bonfires and so on).

    so i got something new to learn, thanks dave ^^

  6. Moin moin.

    I want to measure the reentry heat to see what i could use as heatshield, but i keep getting wrong/irrational data from the thermometer.

    Maybe i do it wrong, but i tried to keep it as simple as it should be..


    - Small Cube-Sat with an upside-down 1,25-2,5m piece

    - 1x Thermo directly on the nose = should be the hottest place

    - 1x Thermo on the inside = colder point

    The highest temp i could measure was something around 5°C while descending.

    They pop from -110 to -30 to -50 to +5 to -35 and then to surface temp +20.

    http://imgur.com/a/4CcKo (7 pics)

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