Now look what you've made me do, throw my first post on an argument over something the thread never suggested, and that other bunch who are just oblivious to the question. All he wants is the system shown in the video to be refined so that two or more people can perform actions without boring pre-planning. Notice the lack of me saying "combat"? It could be used for a round based "get to the planet/flag" for all anyone cares. A time based system could be extremely fiddly, someone could be interrupted while they're manoeuvring a very fiddly vessel and get dumped in the atmosphere. The standard points system (2 point for ejecting, 10 points for moving, etc) works for simple actions like staging but doesn't accommodate ship classifications very well, what I suggest is scaling up the points system to allow formulas like "10pts * [tonnage] = move action cost" or "2 * [ejected part count] = stage action cost", this would eliminate the sketchy frigate-capital inbetweens but I'm out of ideas on stopping a player doing 'too much'. For calculating ship strength in combat, perhaps try the total delta-v of all ordinance. In the context of Macey's series, it might be interesting to have multiplier penalties for shooting. Minimum distances shouldn't really happen in my opinion, the 2.5km loading one is enough. Any further refining?