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Everything posted by Anotherfox

  1. Yeah, but I would like to have a sh*tload of switches, buttons, and other things, and using the control panel in flight Sims too. It will be used as a replacement of a keyboard during my flights.
  2. Hi everyone, it's been a while since I posted last time. I would like to know if it's possible to use a keyboard PCB as a base for creating a control panel, by soldering switches to the key contactors (like an on/off switch for the landing gear). As I am worthless at coding, I won't be able to create a totally custom control panel with a "blank" PCB. Thanks in advance for your answers.
  3. That's it ! Thank you Kreutzkevic!
  4. Hi Everyone, it's been months since i've started searching a mod in particular. This mod allowed me to program my flights, but more simply than with kOS. it worked like a Grafcet. (You had to add commands from a list of available commands like "set throttle to ***%", start graphity turn at *****km. It was very user friendly, with colors for each class of command (trhottle, maneuvers, action group)... If one of you knows this mod, i'll be glad to download it again Thanks
  5. Once on the Mun, my flag looks very classy, and Jeb doesn't seem disappointed by the error message, enjoying his journey on the Mun.
  6. Bonjour a tous les francophones heureux d'enfin me joindre a la communauté sur KSP
  7. Ah oui, j'oubliais, Bonsoir a tous mes compatriotes et àtous les francophones présents sur KSP
  8. Hi everyone, I started to play in March, but today i decided to become an more active member of the KSP World. I'm very proud to be a part of the adventure, even if the only thing i made for the game was buying it I love this community, players from everywhere on earth, ready to launch rockets...or blow up everything around them. Fly (un)safe and ,first of all, fly as far as you can!
  9. There is my flag I hope that it has not been posted before. Sorry if there is a problem, this is one of my firsts forum posts EDIT : I Heberged my image on another image hoster
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