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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hey, I'm curious if there is any features planned for the flight computer with regards to scheduling action commands like activating antennas? I've run into the issue where I'd like to send a probe to Eve, and it would be awesome to be able to use an aerocapture operation. Unfortunately, even behind a heat shield, my antennas get torn up by the atmosphere. I'm forced to keep the antenna open at all times or else I'll lose contact with the probe, so if I had a way to tell the probe to close its antennas for a certain length of time, that could be a really useful feature. This could also be applied generically to action groups such as temporarily disabling solar panels and things like that. So this way you could put your probe into a mode where it simply runs on batteries for a time (such as during reentry or aerobraking), until the program tells it to reopen its solar panels. Of course you run the risk of running out of battery before the timer comes up, but that just means you need to plan ahead. Thanks guys, love the mod.
  2. So I've noticed ever since .23, with DRE installed the Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute doesn't actually work anymore. The normal stack mounted parachutes still work, but not radial. It doesn't show up in the staging, and cannot be activated manually because right click menu only shows temperature. Tried in both DRE 4.0 and 4.1.
  3. Thats the exact same directory structure I have on mine, and I'm still getting the problem. The only difference might be that I'm running the steam version?
  4. No gui button here either, I'm not using RemoteTech, but i do have MechJeb 2.0.8 and and a Kethane Scanner on my probe. Running Windows 7. I completely removed all traces of the old ISA Mapsat mod and installed the dev build in the gamedata folder the same way my other 0.20 mods are. I noticed when I hover my mouse near the bottom where the map button should be, it still shows tooltip text that says "ISA MapSat", but when I click it, an empty GUI comes up with no buttons, and the map does not render. This happens with both new launches and exiting probes that I already had orbiting from the old version of the mod. The only thing I haven't tried yet is creating a completely fresh save to test this in. Here's a screenshot showing the issue: http://i.imgur.com/NrGk52O.jpg
  5. Ok so I'm a bit confused about how fast Kethane deposits dry up. I scanned and located a rather large deposit in a crater on the Mun. I landed all my mining equipment and converter and began drilling. It worked well for a while, I filled about 2 medium sized kethane tanks worth, converted it, shipped the converted fuel up to my Mun station. When I returned with my fuel ferry to get another load, my drill no longer collects any Kethane. I have my drill on a Rover with its own scanner, so I figured I mined out the immediate area, and drove off with my scanner to find the next deposit... After driving around for a dozen kilometers or so, the scanner didn't find a single thing anymore, despite the fact that the green dots on the map are all around the area I was in. Is this a bug where my deposits somehow disappeared? Or did I seriously mine out all the kethane in the entire crater with just 2 tanks worth? =\
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