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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. Probably in .57.3.1234224243463558326563536523563275235238654 (there will be a LOT of Dev Builds)
  2. So... How long will it take to research Struts?
  3. Mission Success! Score: Atlas look-alike +50 Rover look-alike +20 Proper staging (for rocket) +30 Proper re-entry (stays pointed with 'heatshield' prograde) +20 Successful landing +50 Nothin' broke! +20 Stock +100 Total: 290 EDIT: I have just realized a problem: My Space Program already has a Duna Space Station, Duna Base, and a much more advanced Duna Rover. Thus, this mission was a 99% waste of money... <- Space Agency Officials
  4. I believe Maxmaps posted it on Twitter.
  5. Sorry if I missed something, but the OP was asking for proof if that mod was going to be in the next update.
  6. I have a Kethane Base on the Mun, but it wasn't really used before it was decommissioned.
  7. No Oxygen means no jets. I recommend using Atomic Engines, as they have an ISP of like 700 in Dunas atmosphere, which is still far more efficient then any other rocket.
  8. That first picture, this is a great way to start. Can't wait for the first chapter!
  9. Out of all the choices on this poll, I'd say that Better Aerodynamics (along with deadly Reentry) is most likely. As all the other choices seem either far off or are simply never going to be added (Female Kerbals).
  10. Farthest I've ever gone with one was to the surface of Minmus and back.
  11. Wait a minute! Where did the first post go?! This isn't my thread!
  12. It's a Squad Monolith, and that's just one of them. There are many more to find.
  13. I started with .16, back when Minmus looked round from map view.
  14. Aside from the annoying loading times, .21 is completely stable for me.
  15. Yep, mapsat works fine for me in .21.
  16. This is a great idea, I'm constantly plagued by this issue.
  17. My current project is to setup an exploration base on Laythe. No pics yet, as I'm still in the process of getting everything ready in LKO.
  18. Got this pic while I was checking out the new KSC after .21 came out.
  19. I have yet to actually do this, however when the Sr. was first came out it was rather confusing. Even now I must spend like five minutes making sure they're facing the right way. There really needs to be some sort of indication as to which side is which.
  20. All batteries (Pods have built in ones) are drained simultaneously. So adding batteries just makes your Pods lose power much more slowly, so batteries do indeed work.
  21. Looks fine to me... And I assure you that the Pod was decoupled and the batteries were run down by the Ion Engine.
  22. This a actually a good idea. Since the ladders leading to the top are a bit bugged and can only be climbed down, not up.
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