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Everything posted by ShachonianX

  1. ShachonianV: I am the EVIL you, ShachonianX! I was the one who opened the rift sending Earth into ShachonianZ's universe! MUAHAHAHA!
  2. You have caused another paradox! And, ShachonianZ brought me here to the future to prevent Earth from hitting the other Earth!
  3. ShachonianZ: I will time travel into the past to bring past ShachonianX to the present, preventing him from being killed by the paradox!
  4. The day after the Paradox Incident...... (a rift in time and space opens up, sucking the Earth in. It arrives in another dimension, slowly heading towards the home of the other ShachonianX.) ShachonianZ: Oh no, the other Earth is going to hit us! I must stop it!
  5. Here's the link! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27370-The-Paradox-Chronicles?p=334574#post334574
  6. Here you can post everything involving the whole time paradox incident story thing that started on Chobit's art thread. HAVE FUN!
  7. A video should be coming out today! Also, expect one tomorrow!
  8. I am ShachonianX from another dimension! My counterpart has caused a paradox, which has resulted in his death! The only way to end the paradox is to create another one which will result in both paradoxes ripping each other apart, saving the universe! Because I don't have time travel capabilities, someone else must do it for me! I shall now return to my home dimension!
  9. 0w946r6876348562874628347563847655845p5436876538765387a843628374638764ra3784623856836d4875495ox9834983572357362 7459759345769384796598346593485638456w34892469238583i503579375907503ll35027832938720 3290480373849274ki394209374092348ll938420938402983us8209481927917208471028a0532570239ll
  10. I have returned from the future! I think he has been stopped. Wait, what's this? A T1M3 P4R4D0X H4LPZHDDA847LEUFG439598|}}{)*79$^%##&%(&^$%^*&^$&^*$%^*^%$$^^$^%#^
  11. Believe me! The future him did it! He time traveled into the past to say it and then is mind-controlling you to blame it on me! Quick, I'm going to go into the near future to stop him before this ever happened!
  12. Well, what would you think if the Plague I fired one of the canisters filled with Neocellion was fired at your country? You would be in great pain as the Neocellion killed you. Also, it would spread to everyone around you. Eventually, the human population of your country will be zero. But what if there were more Plague Is in orbit? Firing the canisters towards every country? Mankind would be nonexistent. Life would flourish like it did before the dawn of man. Also, there is a 25% chance the Neocellion will mutate you. The mutants are known as Necro Sapiens.
  13. <ACCESSING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION> <INFORMATION ACCESSED> <TOPIC- Plague I> The Plague I is a [REDACTED], developed by the Seal Army Science Administration (SASA), in 20XX. The Plague I fires [REDACTED] from orbit, which release a [REDACTED] after hitting the ground. All those around the area of the impact are [REDACTED], and are slowly [REDACTED]. The [REDACTED] spreads, and can eventually [REDACTED] an entire country. More info coming soon....... Muahahahaha.........
  14. Squid? (insert something stupid here to post because Squid? is under 10 characters)
  15. CORRECT! The person below me knows of my top secret Seal Army doomsday weapon, which will be used to [REDACTED].
  16. I actually want to send a lander with a Skycrane device to go INTO the Mohole, and slowly descend into it. What will be at the bottom?
  17. The user above me knows the user above him was a victim of the April 2013 Forum Apocalypse
  18. Maybe. Yes. No. Possibly. Incorrect. The user below me likes harp seals.
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