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Everything posted by ShachonianX

  1. Terran. Sounds the most fitting. Also, Earth is also called Terra, so.... WAY BETTER
  2. I don't actually remember the size of the moons and planet from the dream. If such a thing would exist IRL, it would have to be a certain size to work.
  3. In a dream I once had there was a planet and had two moons, doing a binary star system style orbit-like thing. Is this possible in real-life?
  4. The Year 1116 - The Final Year of the Derp Universe The G.E.C. traveled to the planet of the Derptopians, and find a GIANT [censored] TURTLE. After the great Hoomann Legion discovered the Great Turtle, a war started to capture it. Then everyone farted. This killed off most on the life in the galaxy, and de-orbiting the the Derptopian planet, which forces the Great Turtle to fly to the moon, and then the universe collapsed for good.
  5. 2011. Citizens rebel against the government and destroy everything involving MlP (including fans of it, who are thrown in jail).
  6. The Year 1115 With the discovery of the collapsed universe, it turned out that only half of that universe collapsed. Scientists were sent in to study it, and the universe was in the year 1115. Suddenly, a GIANT [Censored] SPACESHIP appeared, inhabited by survivors of the Jupiter Earth chunks. The spaceship was part of New Finland. They wanted to control the galaxy by farting at the Galactic Cheese Empire (G.E.C.). The scientists then used SCIENCE to defeat the New Finland survivors, who farted themselves into oblivion. The scientists were going to be crowned king of cool stuff, but only one could be crowned. They then had to compete in the MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX Hungry Games. The winner, Isaac Funklestein the OVER 9000th, was crowned and then ate himself from the inside-out.
  7. to NUKING EQUESTRIA (FYI, I'm not an MlP fan)
  8. There are no KSP multiplayer mods. Also, multiplayer doesn't appear to be possible in KSP.
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