The Year 1115 With the discovery of the collapsed universe, it turned out that only half of that universe collapsed. Scientists were sent in to study it, and the universe was in the year 1115. Suddenly, a GIANT [Censored] SPACESHIP appeared, inhabited by survivors of the Jupiter Earth chunks. The spaceship was part of New Finland. They wanted to control the galaxy by farting at the Galactic Cheese Empire (G.E.C.). The scientists then used SCIENCE to defeat the New Finland survivors, who farted themselves into oblivion. The scientists were going to be crowned king of cool stuff, but only one could be crowned. They then had to compete in the MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX Hungry Games. The winner, Isaac Funklestein the OVER 9000th, was crowned and then ate himself from the inside-out.