Hello fellow Kerbonauts! I have been playing KSP for roughly a month now and just wanted to introduce myself! Even though I´m approaching 40 years I feel again like a small boy while playing KSP. No other game has given me that feeling. Awesome! Just a short summary of my accomplishments and completed missions in KSP: - Unmanned sub-orbital - Manned sub-orbital - Unmanned orbital - Manned orbital - Unmanned orbital docking ( Construction of my first space-station Kerlab 2) - Manned orbital docking ( First Kerlab 2 crew, Jeb, Bill and Bob) - Munar probe landing - Unmanned munar orbit with docking ( Construction of Munar space-station Titan A 1) - Dunar orbital probe My next mission will be an unmanned lunar landing and return. I want to test all of my designs on several unmanned missions before I try manned (kerballed) ones. I just love this game! Regards, Badan