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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Still going strong, I can tell you that I visited them last summer, such a cool group of enthusiasts! Common discussions you might hear there: "We need a longer wire for the LOX valve near the engine" "I just found this break wire from a car, looks heat resistant enough" "Go for it" Gotta love them!
  2. The very inspiring hobby-rocketeers at Copenhagen Suborbitals have been testing their 5kN engine all year and are now ready to launch it! I've been following them for a while and it's been amazing to see their progress. During the development and testing of the engine they've released tons of information and videos. They really embrace the "Kerbal way" to rocket science and they are doing an amazing job of making DIY-style rockets in their pursuit of launching humans to space. Now they need moar Funds to help with development so they've just started an Indiegogo campaign for future research. Please support them, they are well worth it! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/fund-the-world-s-only-manned-amateur-space-program#/story More info on the rocket here. Their Youtube channel.
  3. What about NYRP (Not Yet Rocket Parts)? Or the slightly more high-brow FRP (Fiat Rocket Parts) Fiat is latin for "it shall be", as in Fiat money.
  4. There was a fair bit of luck involved... I was using the Jeb-approved method of trial-and-death to get a sucessful landing
  5. Thanks! I'd like to go under a minute, but that might be tricky... That's no mod, that is my screen capture program bugging out
  6. This was a great challenge I must say. I had a lot of fun building and repeatedly crashing various pods. I finally managed to get one onto firm ground in 1:22. Proof is here: Deorbit burn started at 0:45, smashdown at 2:07, total time 1:22 Bonus Score: Landed at KSC Didn't land at high speed perhaps (~15 m/s), but a part broke at least... Thrusted downwards Maybe not practical size, but could fit a few to a station Deployed from station
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