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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I belive we can be quite certain that light travels at the speed of light but maybe nothing can go faster than... neutrinos?
  2. You can\'t possibly think that it is Reuters who made that discovery. If you have doubts to Reuters credibility go to the source. Here is direct link explaining the CERN experiment. It\'s a big thing if it\'s found to be true.
  3. It was indeed quite easy mission. Properly made it would be time consuming but becouse of Jebs impatience and lack of finacial limits it became doable for me too. I managed to give escape velocity (a bit over it in fact) at 72km to over 4 fuel tanks. Space ship should be around given altitude after over 1 hour but my kerbals fell asleep and I took counteractions 400km too high (that will have efect at the end of the mission). I came back to 8141km and set speed at 645,6 m/s (1:45 mission time). At around 2:44 mission time space ship hit apogee: 8146km with speed 645,0 m/s. Becouse Bob promissed his mom to be back before supper ship started to lose speed just after estimating that orbit's perigee will be around 8127km with total orbit time of 23 hours 59 minutes and 14 seconds. Leaving 200 m/s horizontal speed and greatly accelerating vertically turned out to be a huge mistake. At the moment kerbals are awaiting rescue at eliptical orbit 684km / 3119 km.
  4. Man, this topic is offtoped hard. I've just succefully realised my idea of landing near space center. Plan was: 1. Achieve orbit 2. Make Hohmann transfer to 36km orbit 3. Wait for visual contact with space center area and deorbit to hit atmosphere 4. Make corections of your course while descending 5. Land But I belive I wont be able to land near landing center in repeatable manner when doing other tasks. I made my mission as simple as possible - heading straight east all the time I stayed on course to launch pad. More complicated missions might get you off the course and frankly I don't have idea how to get back on the right one (to fly over space center). Especialy when I have no idea how to use that pink indicator - it points direction but I feel I lack more info to make this thing usefull. The other thing is that I need at least one full fuel tank to aim at launch pad (unless I got lucky and deorbit in the right moment) and that's quite a lot.
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