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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Oddly enough I ranted about this same topic to my girlfriend just last week. I got into a series of books called Star Force (http://www.amazon.com/Swarm-Star-Force-Series-Larson-ebook/dp/B004H8FVEQ).. The writing is not what I would consider superb, but it's entertaining.. I look at it like enjoying an old Steven Seagal movie... not realistic but entertaining. I'm on book 7 or 8 now I think, very easily digestable..but what struck me was while I can't say with any certainty the physics mechanics the author uses are 100% accurate it appears the whole space travel/orbital mechanics thing is given a realistic basis in the books and is actually used as a tool to give the reader a different view on how space battles would actually work (exchanges are measured in hours at minimum, if not days versus seconds/minutes). There's frequently the problem of trying to catch up to someone/something but still leaving enough time to brake appropriately to match velocity with them.. Makes it much more strategic when you read the battles.
  2. Not so sure about this. Chuck Norris would just have to round-house kick the rocket into Moho orbit. And the Mun? Just a stern look.
  3. Yep, exactly what I did. Just got the notice that the Squad folder already existed and if I wanted to merge, said yes.. no other prompts when it copied it all over.
  4. I'll see about figuring out a way to post the Save when I get home - or PM an e-mail addy and I'll throw it your way. My rig is an Intel 4770k Haswell, 16GB RAM, SLI'd GTX 760's running on a fully updated Windows 7, couple terabytes free space on the install drive and runs off a 128GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD. Nothing is over clocked and don't have any other system issues. All drivers are up to date, etc etc.
  5. I just recently realized you could A) Do this. Configure the ABORT action group so the backspace button actually does something.. I don't know how long I've been wondering when they're going to implement the abort sequence option .. Go me
  6. A bit late, but I had this same exact problem, had to force quit multiple times as it happened everytime I loaded up a ship in orbit, wouldn't let me do certain keyboard commands either (like F5/F9). I followed the uninstall instructions, verified the local cache through Steam, it downloaded almost 170 files (I think, can't remember the exact number). I re-loaded my game and everything worked fine. Played with that for a bit to make sure, then re-installed the reduction pack and BAM..there it was again. Rebooted, reloaded and still happened. As soon as I uninstalled and went back in, it all worked fine. I understand that this isn't a plugin, doesn't change any code, but it's not playing nice with something for some reason - at least on my PC. Love the project idea tho and hope it's a fluke on my part as any optimization is beneficial. Current mods: MechJeb2, Kethane and TAC Fuel Balancer
  7. No! No..no-no-no-no..No. Un-manned space flights first! (or sub-orbital).. Remember, not everything needs a squishy Kerbal center.
  8. Seconded! And DJ Shadow - Preemptive Strike I'm not even a huge techno/dance guy but it fits.. On the metal'ish side.. Fear Factory - Resurrection ("TLA Rockmix", IMHO) and Type O Negative - Glass Walls of Limbo (Dance Mix) ... I'll give you a hint, it's not a dance mix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKFGnCMzSsc The Type O song, waaaay back in college when I was doing 3D art/animation..made a pretty spiffy comet/outer space flyby scene to it.. Need to see if I can dig that up.
  9. I always get "High Roller" from The Crystal Method in my head when I'm docking around Kerban.. Just seems right www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ9Wj8GyrDU There's a couple different versions of it.. There's one!
  10. Hi all, my name is Allen. 30's, male, law enforcement, like red wine and long walks on the beach. Been lurking here for a little while.. I think when .19 came out (just after KSP went to STEAM) Not much for forums, I'm old school internet nerd and am a big believer in John Gabriel's "Internet $%@%wad Theory", so I tend to stay away from forums.. but the KSP community is pretty darn awesome on the whole. I use MechJeb, originally for just information but once I figured out how to do standard maneuvers I swapped to using it for guidance, then once I figured out docking I switched to using MJ for docking when I'm feeling lazy, even though it's slow and seems to waste a bit of mono. I've read there's a few different types of KSP players out there.. Pilots, ship builders..etc.. I definitely fall into the ship building/project management side. I tend to wipe my slate clean every time an update comes out just because every time I re-design my "operations" from the ground up they get more streamlined, smaller part count and better lifters with more stable stages. It's fun for me! I treat it somewhat like career mode.. No kerbal left behind, use satelites to scout first..then unmanned voyages and finally a manned landing.. Then we start into orbital stations and as of late.. I've been doing orbital kethane processing, just finished getting an operation on minmus going. Been to duna, eve and a couple of moons..but that's it! Don't like doing things half-way so I take my time and enjoy it. Long intro, going to try to be more involved as I love the shape the game is taking. Thank you to all the regulars who have already shared their experience and knowledge (and craft files), you've probably helped more people than you know enjoy this game. And another thank you to the active (and past) mod-makers who inspire creativity and just make life fun. Keep it up. Enough mushy stuff. Peace all!
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